The old community "change" the new face value "create" a new life

Author:Zhanjiang Published Time:2022.07.24

The fascinating building was brocaded, and the potholes became flat and tidy, and the blocking pipelines were smooth. Since the transformation, many old communities have successfully changed the butterfly change, and have changed their new weather and vitality, which has awakened the masses' beautiful expectations for life.

Entering the Haichang District of Haichang Road, Xiashan District, the first feeling here is clean and tidy: light yellow outer walls, neatly planned parking spaces, uniformly designed air -conditioned outer racks and bicycle sheds, the roads in the community are clean and clean. The building is clean and the environment is pleasant. From time to time, there are residents walking, chatting, and fitness in the community. It is very pleasant ... I can't see that it is a "30 -year -old" community.

The houses in Haichang Community were built in the early 1990s. The space in the community was small. The vehicle stopped, the fire passage was blocked, and the lack of public facilities was transformed. In 2021, the reconstruction and upgrading of the community was officially launched. After nearly a year of transformation, the community has achieved great changes, the infrastructure has been perfect, and the environment has beautified it. Next, the property company will be introduced to scientifically manage the community, and at the same time realize smart security security such as slots and gates.

"The community has changed too much! Whether it is infrastructure or living environment, it has been greatly improved." "The stairs and the aisle railing have been transformed, and the corridor lamps have been in the staircase, and life is more secure." The parking shed greatly improves the living environment. "" It is really comfortable to live. "The" butterfly change "of the living environment has made residents in the community praise.

The transformation of the old community carries residents' longing and pursuit of a better life. The affirmation of a sound is the recognition of the masses of the renovation of the old community. The transformation of the old community really "changed" to the hearts of the masses.

In order to vigorously make up for the shortcomings of the people's livelihood, Xiashan District plans to transform the old communities that have disrupted and lack management in 2020. As the main promotion unit of the project transformation, the Xiashan District Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau overcome various difficulties, patiently communicate with the masses, modify the transformation plan many times, and officially launched the first phase of the project in November 2021.

The Xiashan District has solidly promoted the transformation and construction in accordance with the standards of "one community, one plan". As of now, the project in 5 streets in the first phase of the project has been fully completed. The 163 old communities and 83 back streets and alleys involved in the second phase of the project have been fully started and promoted in an orderly manner. Right now, 72 old and old communities and 32 back streets and alleys involved in the third phase of the project have also started.

Nowadays, the old appearance of more than 200 communities in Xiashan has changed its face. The living conditions and quality of life of old community residents have been significantly improved. The community governance system has improved, and the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses are effectively enhanced.

Source: Zhanjiang Daily

Picture: Reporter Lang Shuchen

Text: Reporter Pan Jieting

Edit: Liu Xiaoyu

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