Yu Xiuhua's ex -boyfriend self -fan 100 slap: lovers with emotional instability, stay away early

Author:Read Reading Time:2022.07.24

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Yu Xiuhua and Yang Yan Ce frequently appeared in the public's vision in the past few days.

First, the wedding photos were exposed, showing the sweetness of the two.

But only three months after taking the wedding photos alone, in a live broadcast, Yu Xiuhua said exhaustedly that Yang Yan had a domestic violence.

And Yang Yan Ce took the live broadcast of Yu Xiuhua at this time and emotional collapse at this time.

Subsequently, Yu Xiuhua wrote.

Yang Yicheng only slapped Yu Xiuhua's neck because of her mouth with Yu Xiuhua, and she also furiously slapped her hundreds of slaps, completely exposing her nature.

Volkswagen also expressed disdain and anger for Yang Yan Ce's violence.

Yu Xiuhua decided to break up. Yang Yan Ce wrote an open apology letter because of the pressure of public opinion.

I thought I could understand it, and I did not expect that netizens would not buy it.

In the recent live broadcast, netizens all resisted his domestic violence, and then Yang Chu Ce made an amazing decision:

The trailer will slap itself in the live broadcast.

Live from the slap of the fan, he pumped it at a time, and said nothing, and he blushed his nose bleeding, and did not stop.

The picture is very weird and horrible.

Seeing Yang Yanze's crazy self -fan -lit self -harm, everyone was only afraid.

Many netizens feel that this shows a terrible violence tendency.

"He hit himself so hard, and he must not be more ruthless."

At that time, Yang Yan Ce responded to the domestic violence incident that he only hit more than a dozen slap in Yu Xiuhua. Now, if he fights for more than a dozen slap with this strength, Yu Xiuhua is afraid that he will not be injured.

I have to say that people with such emotional instability are terrible.


Some people have summarized the three characteristics of domestic violence men:

Unable to control, extreme personality, good at camouflage.

It is known as the Shadow Shadow of the 80s and 90s, and An Jiahe in "Don't Talk to Strangers" is a typical example.

An Jiahe is a good person in the eyes of others. He has an advanced work, exquisite technology, and takes care of his career.

It is difficult for others to associate the good person they see with that domestic violence.

In "The Night and Fog of Tianshuiwei", Li Sen, who even killed his wife and daughter in the end, has always created the illusion that he is a good husband and a good father.

Regardless of An Jia and Li Sen, as long as they were a little bit unwilling, they would lose their emotions and hurt the other half.

Getting along with a person with emotional instability, just like installing a flammable and explosive bomb beside you, you can only be careful to worry about whether TA will be detonated at any time, and eventually exhausts.


There was once a news that in a community in Baoding, Hebei, the couple quarreled, causing a big disaster.

The husband threw the child from the 29th floor and stabbed his wife.

The child died on the spot, and the wife was invalid, and eventually left the world, and the husband was taken away by the police.

The neighbors of the community reported that the couple usually quarreled, and they often heard crying from their room.

But this time there seemed to be no difference between the past, but because the man had no bottom line out of control, he ruined a family and three people.

Scientific research proves that when people are controlled by anger and other emotions, they will trigger hormones to create tension and anxiety in the body, inhibit the normal operation of some brain cells, and reduce people's ability to judge.

In other words, once people are about to be affected by emotions, even if you have a high IQ, they will do things that make them regret.

The consequences of emotional out of control are far more terrible than you think.

After seeing Yang Chu Ce's true face, Yu Xiuhua decisively chose to leave and hid far away.

After hearing that Yang Chu Ce immediately had a new love, Yu Xiuhua also said to netizens:

"Someone who took over the past, fortunately!"

Yu Xiuhua's choice is right. His mouth is forgiven, but his action is very rational, and he completely draws the boundaries with him.

It is a wise move to change a person, replacing changes with elimination.


The author of "Awareness" found through research on the structure and principles of the brain:

People have triple brain -instinct brain, emotional brain, and rational brain.

The function of instinctive brain is very simple:

Simple conditions reflect, fight or escape when you encounter danger, prey when you encounter prey, and pursue the opposite sex in your favorite ...

All this stems from animal instincts.

About 200 million years ago, mammals evolved their emotions in order to better adapt to the environment.

With the blessing of emotions, mammals can gain profit and avoid harm, which greatly improves the survival advantage:

For example, fear allows yourself to stay away from danger, excitement to focus on hunting, joy to enhance intimate relationships.

About 2.2 million years ago, humans stood out from mammals and evolved new cortex in the front area of ​​the brain to form an unparalleled brain area:

Language, art, technology, culture, etc. have been developed from here.

This is the so -called rational brain.

The rational brain is in charge of thinking. A person with a rational person knows how to consider, plan, and distinguish between the present and the future without making a simple and rude decision because of the needs in front of you.

Those who are emotional, they live in their own world, like a child who has not grown up, a giant baby immersed in self -emotion.

When they came up, they had only themselves in their eyes, so they had to vent the anger in their hearts.Regardless of whether their behavior is extreme and outrageous, because they cannot think about the brain.

And this kind of person is also the most terrible because TA cannot control himself.

Writer Rao Xueman said:

"Be sure to stay away from people with extreme emotional instability, no matter how handsome and charming he is when he is emotionally stable.

Sooner or later, he will destroy your life without leaving."

The rest of your life is expensive, don't let people who emotional instability consume your life.

Differentiated everything around you, put your attention on people and things that are worthy of your attention, prevent garbage people and garbage dragging on, destroying your thoughts, emotions and consciousness, and a way to make yourself happy.

mutual encouragement.

- END -

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