Beijing: On the 22nd, the results of the new case gene sequencing results of Chaoyang District were announced

Author:Chang'an Street Knowledge Time:2022.07.24

On July 24th, at the 381st press conference of the prevention and control of the new coronary virus pneumonia in Beijing, Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a member of the National New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Expert Group, July 22, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing A new crown pneumonia virus infection was found in Chaoyang District of the city. The virus sequence belongs to the Omikon BA.2 mutant strain, which is different from the recent domestic and foreign virus sequences. High nature. After investigation and comprehensive research and judgment, the infected person is likely to be infected with imported cold chain foods.

New coronary pneumonia virus can survive for a long time at low temperature. Pang Xinghuo reminds: minimize cold chain foods in countries and regions in the high incidence of online shopping epidemic, you can choose a regular market and supermarket purchase to avoid direct contact with your hands; Wear masks and disposable gloves correctly to reduce direct contact and communication; try to carry out outdoors when disassembling. Do not take it home in the outer packaging and treat them according to domestic waste. 75%of alcoholic disinfection of the inside and outside packaging; after processing, we must carefully clean your hands to avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose with unclean hands; clean.

At present, the input of overseas and Beijing is the main risk facing the prevention and control of the Beijing epidemic. We must always adhere to the general strategy of "external prevention input and internal prevention and rebound", compress the "four -party responsibility". Responsibilities, airports, ports, stations and other places must strictly manage entry personnel and supplies to prevent risks strictly prevent risks. During the summer vacation, the personnel flow is great, and the risk of the epidemic spread is high. We must insist on traveling or traveling or traveling on a high -risk area and reporting to the confirmed cases. When going out, we must pay attention to the vision prevention policy and strengthen personal protection awareness. The majority of citizens must continue to abide by the prevention and control measures of the epidemic. When entering the community (village) and public places, they must adhere to the registration of all employees and scan the code for scanning. Normal prevention and control measures such as safety social distance.

Source: Beijing Daily Client

Reporter: Niu Weikun, intern reporter: He Rui

Photography: Li Lei

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