"Peace" does not exceed two weeks?IntersectionHow to maintain a summer harmonious parent -child relationship?Come on

Author:Modern Education News Time:2022.07.24

The survey shows that the summer parent -child relationship, such as "K -line diagrams", and many children's relationship with their parents, have gone through the process of "mother -in -law and filial piety" to "look at each other". And this process only takes 2 weeks from the summer vacation. Some psychologists reminded that by the end of August, the parent -child relationship will fluctuate for a period of time, that is, for a period of time to start school.

There are many factors for parent -child contradictions. On the one hand, many parents have to go to work, and children can only take care of the elderly. But the elderly really have a lot of problems, most of them are more doting and letting go. On the other hand, the child has a long time at home, and there may be some loose states that make parents crazy, such as do not like to write homework, stay up late, sleep, do not like sports, add to games or televisions.

In the face of the old man who loves children, how can we communicate with them?

How can children's summer syndrome be removed?

How can parents communicate with parent -child communication?


Parents should understand that the function of the holiday is resting

Invited observer: Zheng Lu

(Psychological teacher at Chaoyang School of the Middle School Affiliated to Renmin University of China)

Let the children have a meaningful and happy summer vacation. Parents need to understand what summer vacation is used, understand the significance of setting up summer vacation, and look forward to it reasonably, so that there will be no fierce contradictions in the process of accompanying the child's summer vacation.

The most fundamental function of the summer vacation is to rest and relax the child's physical and mental holiday. For some students, the usual learning tasks are relatively heavy, the rhythm of campus life is fixed and compact, and there is no time to sleep well. The diet is also solved in a hurry. This part of the child needs to use the holidays to rest. good chance. If parents can take their children to travel with their children during the holidays, and do some casual activities, they can help their children relax and promote parent -child relationships.

For some of them, they are playful or not, or their academic performance is not good enough. The children who have settled in their homework, parents can't wait to use the summer vacation to "make up the pit" to achieve the curve overtaking. However, children have their own expectations for the holidays. Even if they have the care of parents or elderly people, they can't stop the child's heart to fly out. Sometimes, the tighter the control, the more resistance the child is, and finally addicted to the game and TV.

It is more than a month in the summer vacation. If there is no plan and arrangement during this period, the child must be loose, chaotic, and boring; "Lonely". Parents can first ask their children's expectations for summer vacation, make a rough summer plan, arrange what the child wants to do, and then put forward some restrictions and requirements, such as the time and conditions of entertainment and leisure every day, daily How much homework is completed. After reaching an agreement with the child, you can hold a family meeting to announce the arrangement of the holidays, let the elderly know the requirements of their parents, and let the elderly help some assistance. Because most of the elderly are "permanent relatives", don't rely too much on the elderly to supervise their children, and give them a little "false job".

The older the younger children, the more specific help, and even the need to draw these agents and stick it in a conspicuous place. For students after adolescence, do not stare at the child's execution process, grasp the large and small, put forward basic requirements to explain the bottom line. Finally, parents remind parents that if you want to be harmonious during the holidays, you must not only stare at the child's study and play with the child; do not have too high expectations. The holidays are rest. Earn ".


Invite my grandparents to prepare holiday time

Invited observer: Cheng Hong

(Beijing No. 1 Six Six Middle School Captain Hutong Primary School Party Branch Secretary and President of Executive Executive)

Children's long -awaited holidays finally come. Many children look forward to the time of playing more games, less time to go online ... This is the true wishes of children. Most parents need to go to work, so they have to ask their ancestors to take care of their children. However, the elderly generally feel that the grandchildren are not easy, so they will follow the children's thoughts. As a result, the child may not be written, the book is not read, and the regular life is gone.

How to do it? You can invite the elderly to prepare the time you will spend. Need to experience the preciousness of time and the importance of time. The first is that parents must be a careless person, let the children and their ancestors formulate a time plan, and write out what they must do during the holidays, and the job volume is also put out. The books you need to read are also selected, it is best to be a book in different fields you are interested in. Then, listed the places and relatives who wanted to play, visit, visit, and sorted out a time plan form. All of this should let the ancestors who care about the children during the holidays see and participate. The process of participation is the process of communication, understanding, unified goals, and clear responsibilities. More importantly, the ancestors also knew the expectations of their parents and their own demands. From a more intuitive perspective, they must understand what children are needed. The process of sorting out together, you can have discussions, discuss, unified ideas, unify basic conditions and standards, and complete everything in accordance with time advancement. The elderly also have a clear task to understand, so that when they are with their children, they can remind and urge in time. When the child is lazy, the ancestors also clearly know what tasks have not been completed, and they can take the initiative to prompt. Everyone must also discuss the discipline and punishment methods in advance. In this way, the elderly will not be embarrassed, reluctant to manage, and will not let the children be too free. The elderly will implement and promote what they should do, should learn, should have, and go to see. In this way, the love of grandparents is also used. Good work time will make the elders full of love surround the child, and it will also reduce family contradictions. Parents must learn to let go moderately

Invited observer: Chen Fengwei

(President of Xinglong Elementary School in Chaoyang District, Beijing, a special teacher in Beijing)

Holidays give students more opportunities for studying and studying, so that their personality and talent have a time and heaven and earth. Holiday learning is irreplaceable for school education.

Holidays are the buffer period of children's natural release, stretching period of physical and mental pleasure, and stressing charging period, but in reality, it has become the anxiety period for many parents. Especially the recent students have experienced home learning. It is only a few days when they return to school to return to school. Parents are even more worried about how to live long summer vacations!

What can I spend during the summer vacation?

There must be a "attitude" to the child's holidays. At least some time is relatively independent under the guidance of parents, so that children do things they usually want to do without time, including children's favorite games. Parents should formulate conventions for playing games with their children, agreed time and duration, choose the type of game, comply with the convention's gamified reward points, and the points are exchanged for the next game. Release the nature of children's gamified thinking, let children feel their parents' understanding, respect and concern, and cultivate children's contract spirit.

There must be a "density" to treat the child's holidays. What can be done during the holidays? Let the target be concrete and result. If you read 2 to 3 books, write a reading notes, and talk about the situation in a book. Then there are volunteer services for society, community or family once a week, learn to communicate, master skills, and convey social responsibility. Remember to be indispensable for one hour daily sports, and the habit of developing lifelong exercises for your body.

There must be "far away" during the holidays of children, guiding to study in school before, to do a good job of reciprocating and sorting out personal meditation, drawing knowledge trees and thinking charts; combined with subsequent learning to arrange preparations. The daily interview is agreed to improve the understanding in the conversation, let the children experience self -reflection in expression, and parents pay attention to listening. There are also plans to accompany the child to go out. Of course, it is not necessarily a long -distance travel. It can be a surrounding farm experience, playground adventure, museum treasure hunting, rich feelings, and good behaviors will have good behaviors.

There must be a holiday -like state during the holidays. Children need safe independence, quality companionship, understanding of understanding, and target choices. Let the holidays become the stations, harbor, and gas stations that they grow in their intervals! This requires parents to let go moderately and give them the opportunity to grow.

"Five One" small think tank breaks the summer syndrome

Invited observer: Tian Guoying

(President of Primary School Affiliated to Beijing Medical University)

For a long time at home, it will develop some bad habits. How to break these summer syndrome? You can make planning in advance.

Formulate a summer plan. Parents must set up a summer vacation plan with their children's advantages and deficiencies, but be careful not to arrange the time too densely, leave some flexible maneuverability to prepare for the implementation of the plan to implement the plan.

Complete a list of wish. After the family meeting and the assessment of their children, parents should first let their children list a wish list and write about what he wants to do in the summer vacation one by one. According to several categories, the children are guided to make a good order of the summer vacation: "The five things I want to do are ... the book I want to read is ... what I want to play is ... what I want to learn is ...", When the child will be listed in a single list, parents make reasonable deployment and arrangements when respecting their children's wishes, and help children make forms and print them. Planning according to the class, the chronological order is completely planned by the child themselves.

Plan a schedule. Parents and children complete a schedule together. When you get up, sleep, when you can play games, and when to learn and exercise, you must have rules and reasonable arrangements. Parents can allow their children to replace their mobile phones and computers during their daily housework or physical exercise time, which can effectively avoid parents and children cause contradictions when dealing with electronic products, but also guide children to distribute time reasonably. Have a growth diary. Write the goals and specific execution plans into the diary. Record your completion every day, summarize reflection and how to do better tomorrow. This is not only a good way for children to move, but also a good way to train children's ability to reflect, and continuously improve their execution.

Participate in a volunteer service activity. Children's growth must be closely related to social practice and life. Parents should dare, happy, and good at bringing their children to social life, and to practice activities. You can participate in some activities such as community and other organizations, or related voluntary service practice activities to create opportunities to let children practice, exercise, and serve. "Going out" makes children's holiday more meaningful.

Text: Wang Xiaoyi

Edit: Zhang Qiuying

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