["Epidemic" line documentary] Linxiazhou Fire Rescue Detachment assisted Dongxiang to carry out epidemic prevention and control work (2)

Author:Linxia Fire Time:2022.07.24

Since July, in the face of the rolling epidemic, the Linxia detachment's epidemic prevention and control protection team has given full play to the professional advantages and professional specialties, actively invited, and strive to fight the most in the most needed places such as patrolling, living security, and anti -virus, and use the actual actual situation. The actions interpreted the vow of "loyalty to the party, strict discipline, go to the fire, and be kind to the people".

Take the initiative: Yong Dang the "main force" of the epidemic guarantee. Since July, the situation in our province's epidemic prevention and control is severe. Facing the re -attack of the new crown virus, the detachment has always been firm confidence, persistent, strictly, and grasped various epidemic prevention work. The call of government epidemic prevention and control work. In order to give full play to the role of the party organization's fighting fortress and the model of party members, they have written to ask the war book and request to go to the front line to carry out the prevention and control protection work of the epidemic. County Daban Town carried out epidemic prevention and control protection work.

Serve: Dare to do the epidemic guarantee "combat team". Since the launch of the guarantee work, the East Township Extratery Protection Group has strict food management, carefully sorting out the "risk points" during the prevention and control of the epidemic, and through the "four levels", we will do their best to do a good job in the food protection work of the first -tier epidemic prevention and control staff during the special period. Actively coordinate the County Emergency Management Bureau, prepare ingredients such as meat, rice, noodles, oil, etc. On the basis of strict implementation of the food protection during the prevention and control of epidemic conditions, the opinions of staff are widely solicited, the recipes are carefully adjusted, and the ingredients are carefully matched to ensure the prevention and control of the epidemic. Personnel eat safely, nutritious, comfortable, and combat effectiveness. As of now, the guarantee team has made a total of more than 400 boxes of lunch.

Strengthen publicity: Building a "firewall" for preventing and controlling the epidemic. As the "outpost stations" and "bridgehead" of the epidemic prevention and control work, the epidemic guarantee group always adheres to the front line of fighting against the epidemic, and effectively do patrol prevention and control during the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia. In the uninterrupted publicity and control publicity, fire safety propaganda, personnel persuasion, and order of order of prevention and control, fire safety propaganda, personnel persuasion, and order of Daban Town, combine a variety of "language" prevention and control publicity knowledge, enhance the coverage of patrol propaganda, and fully protect the protection The people's lives and property are safe, and the prevention and control of the epidemic will continue to stabilize.

Strict self -discipline: practice two strict two "high requirements". As a national comprehensive fire rescue team in the new era, the guarantee team always keeps in mind the spirit of "loyalty to party loyalty, strict discipline, going to the fire, and dedicated to the people", strengthen the political work and logistical support work, and set up the temporary party branch and the pioneer of the party members to fully fulfill the full team. Give full play to the role of the party organization's fighting fortress and the pioneering role of party members, strictly implement the culinary disinfecting system and the management system of the camp, so that the daily camp area is eliminated, the dishes before meals, the registration of the camp door, etc. The one -day life system, "the standards are not reduced".

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