"Face -to -face" service "Heart" integrates the party members and cadres of the Women's Federation of Jinan City to "practice skills"

Author:Love Jinan Client Time:2022.07.24

Recently, the Jinan Women's Federation's "upper line, truthfulness, practical skills, and promoting development" was carried out in full swing. The Municipal Women's Federation showed the women's federation in the overall situation of the central service, realized the women's federation in the grass -roots service masses, and effectively promoted the in -depth and solid development of educational practice activities.

Active sinking precision service practice is true skills

"This year, during the severe prevention and control of the epidemic, I served in the community to conduct physical temperature, check health code, and enroll information for community residents. After that, I became familiar with the entire process of detection of nucleic acid detection. Recently, the Municipal Women's Federation Organization ' I also actively participated in the series of activities of the previous line, inspecting the truth, practicing skills, and promoting the development of the "mass work education practice. In particular, in the city fertilizer's one -line employees in the city management, the" flat load and picking weight "competition was left deeply. Seemingly simple work, it is really not easy to act as actual operation. Experience the hard work of urban fertilizer employees. We must transform the experience of the previous line into the motivation to work. "Teng Lei, a party member of Jinan Women's Federation, said.

Since the beginning of this year, in the face of a complicated and severe epidemic situation, party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels in the city moved and went to the epidemic, and they were together with the grass -roots cadres and masses. A profound mass work and the practice education of the mass line.

In order to further promote party organizations at all levels of municipal agencies and the majority of party members and cadres in the first -tier work, and to better play a better role in work, the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Organization Committee will organize the mobilization of the "upper line on the front line in late May of the municipal agencies and units. , Increase truth, practice skills, and promote development. " Jinan Women's Federation adheres to the party building and service party building, and requires the cadres of the Women's Federation to carry out work to conduct work in combination with the actual situation. Take the event as an opportunity. The construction of grass -roots organizations, the construction of party members and cadres, and service capabilities, effectively promote the promotion and development of party building work and women and children's causes.

Care about female employees to experience daily work to play the advantages of the Women's Federation

Recently, the Municipal Women's Federation went to the Municipal Urban Management Bureau City Feiqing Transport to manage a "upper line, see truth, practice skills, and promote development". Enter the employee's home, the spiritual memorial hall, the party building activity room, the "five small" innovation achievements of the women's Qing Shu class, and other places. The spirit of responsibility for the people.

"After listening to the story of the" Women's Qing Shu Ban ", use iron hooks to evoke the manhole cover, carry more than 100 pounds of weight -dung gum pipes in the septic tank, and stir the manure pumping tube with steel forks ... These pictures seem to be In front of it, the female employees of the urban management start from the people's "big things" to solve the clear and sparse issues such as the septic tank pipeline 'intestinal obstruction' in the jurisdiction. To learn more about the problems that women and the masses need to solve, closely linked with the grassroots, give full play to the advantages of the "association", and be a good guidance, guardian, and dreaming person. "Li Yang, a party member and cadre of the Municipal Women's Federation, was interviewed by reporters. Essence

It is understood that in the overall overall work of the establishment of a national civilized city and a model of civilized cities in Jinan, a large number of representatives of advanced female employees have emerged. The excellent character of pursuit of excellence is a role model for the majority of women in the city to pay tribute and learning.

In the next step, the Municipal Women's Federation will focus on promoting key tasks such as the first line of the foundation, strengthening practical exercise, inspecting social sentiments, improving ability, and serving grass -roots people, to play the role of bridge and bonds, and will give play to them. Taking a good excavation, cultivating, selected trees, and publicity, guide the majority of women in the city to see the wisdom, work hard, build a new era in the posture of the owner, and strive for a new journey, and contribute to the construction of a new era of socialist modernization in the new era. strength.

The problem of the facts of the truth and solution

During the period of the Municipal Women's Federation to carry out the "upper line, see the truth, practice skills, and promote development" during the mass work education practice activity, party members and leading cadres took the lead to make an example, actively sinking the line, and normalized the "I do practical work for the women and the masses". , Use affection and hard work to make the masses' work, detailed, and work hard, and use the effectiveness of activities to promote work.

Tian Ying, chairman of the Municipal Women's Federation, said that through field investigations through the in -depth "women's micro -family" and "women's house" at the grassroots level, after listening to the introduction of social governance and public welfare services, family conflicts and dispute mediation, the women's federation system still has the front line and there are still on the front line. A large number of "homework" needs to be completed. In the future, we must focus on leading, connecting, and service functions. Focus on women, children, and family concerns. Start with the most difficult groups, focus on the most prominent problems, and start from the most specific work. This educational practice activity should be used as an important platform for the growth and exercise of the cadre of the Women's Federation. Through the exchange of role, promote the change of style. Find a gap for example, benchmarking advanced learning methods, and constantly explore new models of women's federation work.

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