Enter Sanfu Tian, remember to eat 8 big golden foods, get away from the heat and get fat, don't miss the beauty girl

Author:Miusu's kitchen Time:2022.07.24

Entering Sanfu Tian, ​​people are easy to heat up at high temperatures, sweating when they move, so most friends choose to stay at home and eat ice cream to dispel heat. Although it has solved the summer heat, it is easy to cause obesity. For girls, what is the most conducive to the heat and heat at this time and can help remove fat? The 8 large golden foods that are often eaten in the summer season are recommended. Not only can it clear the heat and relieve heat, but also let you enjoy thinner. Let's take a look.

1. Winter melon

Winter melon is a very ordinary seasonal vegetable in summer. I believe that many people know that it has a good summer effect. In addition, it also comes with a variety of vitamins and the necessary trace elements of the human body, which can regulate the human body's metabolic balance, promote the transformation of starch and sugar in the body into heat energy, without becoming fat. Therefore, winter melon is still the ideal vegetable of obese people, especially to cook soup together, and the effect is more obvious.

2. Green tea

The weather is hot and sweaty. If you want to cool down the heat and cool down, you can keep the pot of green tea. The green tea taste is sweet, "quiet but not indifferent, and indifferent", which can not only replenish water, but also supplement the potassium lost with sweating. In addition, green tea contains tea alkali, and drinking some green tea properly can effectively promote gastric fluid secretion and promote the improvement of fat cells.

3. Mung beans

Mung bean is a summer sacred product that everyone knows. The energy contained in mung beans is very low, but it is rich in cellulose, vitamins, and minerals. It is often eaten to clear heat and relieve fire. The cellulose contained in it can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. Remove edema, so that in the process of drinking mung bean soup, you can easily lose weight.

4, barley

We all know that the obesity of many friends is caused by water wetness in the body. Coix rice can be said to be the best food to eliminate heat and dehumidify. It has low calories and has the effect of strengthening the spleen to eliminate dampness and eliminating edema. When making porridge, you might as well match some barley or cook some barley water. You can usually drink barley water properly. For women, you can remove fat and edema.

5. Cucumber

Cucumbers are cool vegetables with summer heat and cooling. Cucumbers are crisp and tender and fragrant. They contain a lot of water. They usually eat more. They can clear heat and detoxify, and refer to thirst. It is very suitable for summer. In addition, cucumber is also good for people who lose weight, because cucumber contains very low calories and contains a large amount of cellulose, which can inhibit carbohydrates in food into fat in the body and play a purpose of weight loss.

6, eggplant

Eggplant is one of the purple vegetables that are very popular in summer. It tastes sweet and cools. Eating eggplant can clear heat and relieve heat. Eggplant is also rich in dietary fiber, vitamin P and "saponin", which can prevent accumulation of fat in the body, which is conducive to fat metabolism, and reduces body fat formation. However, the cooking method of eggplant is very particular. Because eggplant is a very oil -absorbing vegetable, the first choice of steamed eggplant or stewed eggplant, garlic eggplant can avoid taking too much oil in the body.

7. Papaya

Papaya has always been a fruit that is keen on beauty weight loss. The calories are extremely low, which is lower than the apple known as low calories. Papaya contains a kind of papaya enzyme, especially in green papaya, that is, the unhealthy papaya is rich in content. These papaya enzymes can reduce the fat of the abdomen by decomposing fat, promote metabolism, and inhibit the storage of fat in the food in the body, so as It plays a role in weight loss. Therefore, green papaya can be used as ingredients to soup, and the effect of weight loss shaving is great.

8. Mung bean sprouts

Mung bean sprouts are a very common ingredients, and the crispy and tender taste is also loved by the public. Its is cool and sweet, and can remove fire and detoxify, especially eating mung bean sprouts in summer. The heat comes. Moreover, mung bean sprouts also contain a variety of vitamins, and cellulose and protein, which is conducive to minus fat. It is considered to be one of the most suitable intestinal dishes for obese people.

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