[Millions of Police Ten Thousands] Fuhai Public Security guards peace and happiness beside the masses

Author:Fuhai Public Security Time:2022.07.24

In order to further strengthen the comprehensive governance capacity of social security, create a safe and stable social environment, and strive to enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people in the area, and effectively form a new pattern of social governance of co -construction, co -governance and sharing. The Fuhai County Public Security Bureau has worked hard on "visiting the people, relieving the people, turning contradictions, preventing risks, checking problems, and governing chaos", continuously enhancing the masses' "sense of gain" and "happiness", and making every effort to create "basic labor and accidents. The new pattern of less, good public security, party and people is satisfied ".

When visiting home, the "harmony" of police and civilians rose significantly. The civilian auxiliary police go deep into the jurisdiction, and often ask the masses to ask the people to warm and warm, understand their families and living conditions, carefully arrest all kinds of contradictions and disputes, timely discover various unstable factors, maximize the contradictions to the local area, solve the grassroots, eliminate it, eliminate it In the bud state. And take optimization services as the starting point, conduct on -site visits to merchants and enterprises in the jurisdiction, and timely grasp the conflict and disputes that may cause unexpected factors to help coordinate and solve practical difficulties, and actively create a good business environment for enterprises.

Safety precautions caught home, and the masses' sense of "security" improved significantly. During the visit to the household, the civilian auxiliary police organically combined legal propaganda and safety prevention work. By extensively popularizing the protection of epidemic protection, prevention of telecommunications fraud, anti -drug, disaster prevention and mitigation publicity to the masses, guiding the masses At the time, learn to protect their legitimate rights and interests with legal means, and effectively enhance the people's own legal awareness and security prevention capabilities. Improve the awareness of the law, law, understanding, and usage of the people in the jurisdiction, and create a harmonious and stable social environment.

The campaign to rectify the home, and the masses' "happiness" has improved significantly. Combined with summer public order to combat the "Hundred Days Action", the people and auxiliary police were organized to conduct a major investigation activity of hidden safety hazards in the jurisdiction. In accordance with the requirements of "vertical to the end, horizontal to the edge, comprehensive coverage, and no dead ends", safety inspections are conducted on key places such as key units, enterprises and institutions, nine small places, and dense places in their jurisdictions. Check the situation on duty, and issue a notice of rectification on the spot for hidden dangers, carry out "look back" of hidden dangers, and urge various places to strictly implement various prevention and control measures.

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