From everyone to praise to no one?What fans did he experience: it is a question of the Lakers system

Author:Passers -by basketball Time:2022.07.24

The NBA offspring period is full of player trading rumors, and the Lakers have recently become the focus. It is reported that they are operating at least two transactions. The first is Hilde, who wants to change the pedestrian, and the second is the Irving of the Nets team. Now they are in negotiations. The Lakers' transactions must pay chips, all of which have involved Wei Shao. After all, the NBA is a business alliance. Player transactions are normal, but this time it is a bit different for Wei Shao. Now the outside world is full of low remarks to him.

The name Windhorsst and Macmahon have recently talked about the situation of the prestige in the show, and they are very uncomfortable.

Windhorsst said: "When we see a veteran being tied, he often goes to see his relationship. He is likely to go to the very familiar coach, team, manager, and teammate, but Wei Shao looks like a traveler . He has been playing for the Thunder for a long time, but now it is impossible to go back, because the two sides are not on the orbit. The Thunder will pay less respect, but he will not introduce him to the team again. "

MacMahon说道:“威少的后路已经被自己切断了,他现在不可能联系杜兰特,还有哈登,他们仍是好兄弟,但只做了一年队友,然后都离开了火箭。曾经Will the Thunder coach Donorvan sign a little? Obviously not. "

The above is the remarks of the two famous names. We see that they are very optimistic about Well -Shao. They believe that Wei Shao will fade out of the NBA in the future and will not have a team to sign him anymore.

So why is Wei Shao's this way, this is the attention of many fans. Some people point out that because of the Lakers' lineup system, Wei Shao's worth is gone.

Wei Shao joined the Lakers last season. At that time, the outside world was very optimistic. I felt that this team had the strength of the championship again and could rush out of the west. However, the result was a real face. Wei Shao could not integrate in the Lakers, and gradually exposed his weaknesses. The shooting was unstable, the mistakes were too much, and the team's record turned sharply. Coupled with the poor record of the Lakers, many people have pushed their responsibilities to Weishao's head. You should know that there are more than 20 games in the game with LeBron and the thick eyebrows, how to say. So why is Wei Shao's talent in Wizards, isn't it okay? What do you say?

Wei Shao was the three doubles king in the Thunder. At that time, the outside world praised it, and no one asked now. Is this really the case? What is the reason? Welcome fans to comment on the comment area.

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