The post -80s "department -level" post -80s emergence

Author:China News Weekly Time:2022.07.25

Chen Su, a post -80s official in Heilongjiang, has entered the post -level post. On July 17, the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Defense Office held a telephone conference on the production safety of civil air defense systems across the province. Chen Su attended the meeting as the party secretary and director of the Provincial People's Civil Affairs Office.

Chen Su was born in April 1980, a doctor of engineering, from Harbin, a former secretary of the school league committee, deputy secretary of the Zhaozhou County Party Committee, deputy county chief, and the head of Suibin County. In April 2013, Chen Su was the deputy secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League. In November 2016, he was transferred to the Standing Committee of the Mudanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda.

At the beginning of July this year, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee issued a public announcement before he was appointed.

Including Chen Su, at least 7 post -80s were promoted to the main hall at the beginning of the year. The youngest of which was Gong Xuefei, the secretary of the Communist Youth League Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Committee. He was born in December 1983. According to the incomplete statistics of China News Weekly, more than 20 post -level officials in the post -80s department have more than 20 people.

Young, high education

The post -80s post -level officials are from the central and western regions or northeast regions, involving Heilongjiang, Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Hubei, Ningxia, Guizhou, and Henan Province.

They are: Chen Su, director of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Defense Office, Ge Tan, Director of the Financial Supervision Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Zhao Xiao, director of the Shaanxi Provincial Political Affairs Big Data Service Center, Wang Xiwei, general manager of Hubei Port Group, Gong Xuefei, Secretary of the Communist Youth League Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Committee, Guizhou Province Sun Hanxin, Director of the Literature Trav. The Deputy Director of the Henan Housing and Construction Department (the main hall level) Wang Yi.

From the perspective of posts involved, most of them come from government sequences, such as local people's defense offices, financial regulatory bureaus, government affairs big data service centers, cultural traversal departments, and Housing and Construction Department.

In addition to being young and promoting fast, they have graduated from prestigious schools in common, and they are all masterpieces. Four doctors and 3 masters. Of the 7 people, 5 people graduated from 985 and 211 universities including Tsinghua, Peking University, Fudan, etc., and the information of the remaining 2 people was unknown.

From the country, in addition to the above 7, there are at least 14 post -80s officials, and the number of highly educated people also accounts for the majority.

Of the seven officials, two of them were born in 1983, namely Ge Tan and Gong Xuefei. Gong Xuefei was born in December 1983. He was born in Jiangshan, Zhejiang. After graduating from Ningxia University, he stayed in school and later served as the deputy curator of the school archives. He turned to politics in 2013 and worked at the Education Department of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Government and the Education Working Committee of the Autonomous Region. In 2020, he moved to the place, and he was the head of the county of Yanchi County, Ningxia.

It is worth noting that within 11 months of last year, he has been newly newly achieved. He will be renovated again in March this year.

Multi -post training

According to the incomplete statistics of China News Weekly, in addition to the above -mentioned 7 people, there are at least 14 others in addition to the above -mentioned 7. Of the 14 people, the four from the Communist Youth League system were the secretary of the Communist Youth League Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Zhou Senfeng, Secretary of the Communist Youth League Hubei Provincial Party Committee, Li Zhichao, Secretary of the Communist Youth League Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and Dong Yuyi, secretary of the Communist Youth League Qinghai Provincial Party Committee.

Another 10 are: Changyangbo, Fangshan District, Beijing, Guo Kangwei, the head of Baodi District, Tianjin, Liu Junyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Shanxi, Huang Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Linfen Municipal Party Committee of Shanxi Province, Huang Wei, Secretary of the Hongdong County Party Committee Chang Ma Junxiang, Zhou Mi, deputy secretary of the Headian Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Zhou Mi, member of the Xuancheng Municipal Committee of Anhui Province, Liu Kai, mayor of Jiayuguan City, Gansu, Duan Ying, director of the Yunnan Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau, Yi Jun, Party Secretary of the Party Group of Jiangxi Provincial Academy of Socialism Director of the Institute Wang Yanyi.

From the perspective of 21 people's resumes, 19 officials grew up in the province, and the promotion of the province was the mainstream. Among them, many people have experienced interdisciplinary experience.

Ge Tan is a native of Dalian, Liaoning. Benkens are studying at the School of Economics Management of Tsinghua University. After graduating, he has worked in Bank of Communications for a long time. Starting from Guan Peisheng, he was 35 years old as the vice president of the Jiangsu Branch of the Bank of China. In October 2020, he across provinces to Changji, Xinjiang, as deputy governor, responsible for education, human resources and social security, civil affairs, retired military affairs, policy research, finance and other aspects. In June this year, the director of the local financial regulatory bureau of the New Autonomous Region.

Sun Hanxin is a native of Heilongjiang Jixi. He studied at Peking University. After graduating, he stayed in the school. He was the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the school. After the job was over, he stayed at the Shenyang Municipal Government as a deputy department -level official, and his career started.

He worked in the Shenyang Municipal Government and the Municipal Youth League Committee, and later worked in the city's jurisdiction and Shenyang Tourism Group. In April last year, he also served as Secretary of the Bijiang District Party Committee of Tongren City and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Bijiang High -tech Industrial Development Zone in Guizhou. In March of this year, Sun Hanxin took the head of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism of the Xinguizhou, Secretary of the Party Group, and Deputy Minister of Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Zhou Mi is a doctorate in Anhui. After graduating from the University of Science and Technology of China, he worked at the Anhui Provincial Government after graduating from China University of Science and Technology. He has successively served as deputy dean of Huaibei Vocational and Technical College, deputy director of the Huaibei Economic Development Zone Management Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Xiangshan District Committee of the Huaibei City, and executive deputy head of the Executive District, and deputy secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League.

After 2014, Zhou Mi was the deputy mayor of Xuancheng City, the Xuancheng City, the secretary of the Jingde County Party Committee, the member of the Xuancheng Municipal Party Committee, and the secretary of the Jingde County Party Committee. At the end of 2019, he began to assist Xinjiang as a member of the Xuancheng Municipal Party Committee and the CEO of Anhui Province. class.

Dong Yuyi and Liu Kai have also had experience cross -province. In March 2021, Dong Yuyi's signed article "From Inner Mongolia -My Prairie Love" was published by Dong Yuyi. In the article, Dong Yuyi recalled that after graduating from Tsinghua, he chose to work in Inner Mongolia, and later went to work in Qinghai to work with the grassland and work. He is currently the secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League.

Liu Kaiben was studying at Peking University. He was the Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Peking University and secretary of the Chaoyang District Youth League Committee of Beijing. He went to Gansu in October 2011. He has served as the head of Lingtai County, Secretary of Lingtai County Party Committee, Standing Committee Member of the Pingliang Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of Lingtai County Party Committee, and Deputy Deputy Secretary of the Jiayuguan Municipal Party Committee. Secretary, deputy secretary of the Jiayuguan Municipal Party Committee, and Minister of the United Front Work Department, etc., served as the mayor of Jiayuguan at the end of last year.

Expert: help cadre echelon construction

It is worth mentioning that many post -80s officials have come from the grassroots level.

Duan Ying is a Yi people and started at the grassroots level. In the early years, she was in the Forestry Bureau of the Xishan District of Kunming, the streets of Kunming, and the Songming County of Kunming City had served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Songming County Party Committee and the Minister of Propaganda of the County Party Committee. In 2012, he was selected as the head of Luxi County.

Later, she served as the director of the Business Bureau of the Honghe Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan and the director of the Development and Reform Commission. In December 2017, she served as Deputy Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League.

Liu Junyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor of Shanxi, is more typical. He is a long -sighted man in Shanxi. After graduating from Luoyang Normal University, he worked at a subordinate workshop in the Shanxi Xunan Group and became an operator. After that, he worked here for a long time. In January 2019, he served as vice chairman and general manager of Shanxi Luan'an Mining Group.

Data show that over the years, Liu Junyi has led 3 proprietary technologies, obtained 3 national invention patents, and 6 practical new patents. Local standards.

In July 2020, Liu Junyi served as Deputy Secretary and General Manager of the Party Committee and General Manager of Shanxi Luan'an Chemical Group. He moved to the place in February of the following year and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Taiyuan Municipal Committee of Shanxi Province and executive deputy mayor (at the level).

In addition to the post -80s post -level officials at the beginning of the year, at least 5 post -80s deputy deputy deputy cadres have been new to the present. Three of them are deputy mayor, Han Xu, deputy mayor of Jingzhou City, Hubei, Zhang Qiao, deputy mayor of Suzhou, Jiangsu, and Chen Zhangjie, deputy mayor of Changde City, Hunan. The other two were Yao Kai, the secretary of the Party Working Committee and executive deputy director of the Management Committee, and Ji Xing, deputy director of the Management Committee, and Ji Xing, the Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Executive Committee of the Management Committee.

After the post -80s officials and grew up in reform and opening up, Zhu Lijia, a professor of the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration), told the media that most of these young cadres have high academic qualifications, diverse knowledge structures, and wider vision and thinking.

He has mentioned that these young cadres supplemented in important leadership positions can allow local party and government leadership teams to be more scientific, which is conducive to the construction of cadre echelon, conducive to deepening reforms, and modernization of national governance systems and governance capabilities.

Zhu Lijia told China News Weekly that after the 80s, he went to the department -level post, which was a manifestation of the age. From time to time, in the next 5 to 10 years, post -80s officials will become the mainstream of the department -level cadres.

Author: 中 佟 :

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