110 listed companies' important shareholders increased their holdings of nearly 8 billion yuan during the month.

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.25

Reporter Wu Xiaolu

Recently, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index have been adjusted at a high level, and important shareholders of listed companies have increased their holdings.

According to the statistics of the same Flush iFind, since July (as of July 24), 110 listed companies have been increasing by important shareholders by 7.993 billion yuan, a significant increase from the same period last year (about 2.6 billion yuan in the same period last year). From the perspective of the industry, the three industries of power equipment, light industry manufacturing and machinery and equipment have been increased.

"In the short term, the increase in important shareholders may have a certain boosting role in the stock price, but in the long run, the stock price is finally determined by the company's development prospects and corporate competitiveness." In an interview with the "Securities Daily" reporter, generally speaking, important shareholders 'holdings are fully affirmed by shareholders' long -term operation of the company and can be used as a reference for investment, but investors need to comprehensively consider other factors and invest cautiously.

6 company employees holding plan

Increased holdings accounted for more than 70 %

According to the statistical caliber of the same flowering data, important shareholders of listed companies mainly include actual controller, executives, general shareholders with more than 5%of the shares, and employee holding plans. Generally speaking, important shareholders know or pay more attention to listed companies.

From the perspective of the type of shareholders, of the above 110 listed companies, the employee shareholding plan has the highest increase in holdings. Tongwei, Ocean Electric, Guanglianda and other 6 company employees holding a total of about 5.744 billion yuan The proportion of the increase in the increase in important shareholders accounted for 71.86%. Among them, Tongwei shares have increased the highest holdings by employees' shareholding plan, reaching 5.532 billion yuan.

As a photovoltaic new energy industry enterprise, Tongwei shares are bought by the employee's shareholding plan, which is closely related to the company's good performance in the first half of the year. According to Tongwei shares, the company is expected to achieve net profit of 12 billion yuan to 12.5 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a year -on -year increase of 304.62%to 321.48%.

In addition, the actual controller of the listed company also frequently shot, and the 36 companies were increased by 753 million yuan by the actual controller. Among them, Hengrun's actual controller has the highest holdings, which is 100 million yuan. The three industries with higher holdings of actual controller's holdings are machinery, equipment, basic chemical and pharmaceutical creatures, respectively, with 232 million yuan, 107 million yuan and 67 million yuan.

"The actual controller's holdings are optimistic about the company's long -term development potential. With the comprehensive consideration of the company's cash flow arrangement, the actual controller's holdings can release a relatively positive signal and drive the stock price to increase." Qiu Yilin said.

In addition, from the perspective of the company, of the 110 companies, the five of the five companies were increased by more than 100 million yuan by important shareholders. Tongwei, Henglin, and Baoxin Technology increased their holdings by important shareholders, ranking among the top three, with 5.533 billion yuan, 965 million yuan, and 168 million yuan, respectively.

Since the beginning of this year, shareholders of listed companies have increased their holdings. Qiu Yilin believes that from a macro level, in the first half of this year, due to the impact of the epidemic in the first half of this year, the overall fluctuations in A shares fluctuated. The regulatory authorities encouraged listed companies to increase their holdings to increase their repurchase and stabilize the capital market confidence. From the perspective of the micro level, in the context of good company performance, the increase in important shareholders such as actual controllers, directors and supervisors, and other important shareholders are conducive to further attracting the attention of long -term funds to the company. It is conducive to stabilizing the stock price and boosting investor confidence.

Three industries such as power equipment

Positive shareholders' holdings are positive

From the perspective of the industry, since July, the three industries of power equipment, light industry manufacturing, and machinery and equipment have been increased by important shareholders by 5.58 billion yuan, 1.014 billion yuan, and 426 million yuan. The electricity equipment industry has the highest holdings, which is mainly due to Tongwei.

Talking about the increase in the above -mentioned three industries by important shareholders, Tian Lihui, Dean of the Institute of Financial Development of Nankai University, said that in the context of the development of new energy, new infrastructure and large consumer markets in my country, electricity equipment, machinery and equipment, and light industry manufacturing cash The flow is relatively stable, and the growth prospects are more certain. Some stocks have significantly low valuations, so important shareholders have more funds and willingness to increase their holdings.

"Since this year, the three industries of power equipment, light industry manufacturing, and machinery and equipment have fallen to varying degrees. In this context, important shareholders' increase in holdings is conducive to stabilizing the stock price and further repair the company's valuation and confidence to boost." Qiu Yilin express.

In addition, of the above 110 companies, 6 companies have disclosed the performance of performance in the first half of this year, including 5 banks and 1 environmental protection company. The operating income and net profit of 6 companies have increased. In addition, 28 companies disclosed the preview of the first half of the year, and the seven performances were pre -happy.

Talking about the actual effect of shareholders' holdings, Tian Lihui said, "The effect of increasing the holdings of important shareholders depends mainly on the increase in shareholders. Investors must prevent symbolic increases or false holdings."

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