People's Daily's headlines look at Jilin: Clarify the job search goals to find a good job

Author:Xi'an Radio and Television Fi Time:2022.06.15

With the help of employment cadres, Fang Mingming, a graduate of the Zero -employment family of Jilin City ——

Clarify the job search goals and find a job of work (help universities in difficult universities ③)

Reporter Liu Yiqing's "People's Daily" (June 15, 2022)

"Auntie, your name, age, and address are all about me." Entering a government company in Baicheng, Jilin Province, the administrative assistant Fang Mingming was entering the information of Yueyue. On her desk, there are books about work skills. The edges of the book page are filled with signatures. "When I am not busy with work, I will learn some skills, my ability is stronger, and the confidence is more sufficient." Fang Mingming said.

Fang Mingming, 23 years old, is from Baicheng and studies at Inner Mongolia Normal University. He is a non -normal graduate. She is from a zero -employment family. After her father died, the mother with a bad body subsidized her family by taking a needle. Because she wanted to take care of her mother, she was thinking about returning home after graduation. "I felt that I was a college student before, and it should not be difficult to find a job." However, in the job search process, it was clear that there were a lot of difficulties.

"One is no information, and the other is no confidence." Fang Mingming said when recalling the two major problems in his job search. On the job website, there are not many employment information of Baicheng. Fang Mingming delivered his resume from house to house, "But either the post is not suitable for me, or the recruitment unit has found the right person."

Once, Fang Mingming received a trial invitation from a favorite school. She attached great importance to this opportunity and stayed up late to prepare more than 30 pages of courseware. After the trial, the teacher had seen her resume and asked her to go home and waited for notification, but there was no following. "I am a non -normal student of the normal school, and there is no teacher qualification certificate." Fang Mingming said. She looked at the mother who was squinting, "like a stone in her heart. Sometimes she went to the interview.

In order to understand the problems on the job search, her mother took Fang Mingming to find the Employment Bureau of Laibei District. When he saw the deputy director Yu Yanhua for the first time, Fang Mingming was a little discouraged. Yu Yanhua first pulled the mother and daughter to sit down. After looking at Fang Mingming's resume carefully, she reported the names of five or six companies to let her try it. "These companies recruit big students? This company is just two streets away from my house. Why don't I know?" Fang Mingming had some interest.

But when I asked again, Fang Mingming's voice continued to be smaller: "Everyone recruits a writer, what is it?" "There is just a interview next week, I drove to you, let's walk around." Yu Yan Hua said.

Writing files, making forms, organizing pictures ... Yu Yanhua "soaked" for several hours with Fang Mingming in the interview company. Looking at the busy employees, Fang Mingming dispelled some doubts in his heart: "Originally, the clerk had to do so many things. I also helped the counselor to make a form before, and I was exaggerated!"

While hitting the iron, on the way home, from the company's situation to the job requirements, from the salary to the future development, Yu Yanhua took the previous college graduates for example, and said it with Fang Mingming very carefully. "The working hours of the clerk are convenient for you to take care of your mother. Moreover, if you really want to be a teacher in the future, it is not too late to take the time to prepare for the teacher." In the following half a month, Yu Yanhua successively gave Fang Mingming one after another. Personnel commissioner, administrative assistant and other positions were recommended.

One day, near get off work, I was almost busy with work. Yu Yanhua called Fang Mingming and asked about the job search. "The first company did not pass." Fang Mingming said. Without work experience, incompetence in professionalism, and not good grades ... Yu Yanhua quietly listened to the whole "pouring water", and patiently said to her, "When I first started working, nothing would be. It is the disadvantage. "Founding Fang Mingming's resume, Yu Yanhua accompanied her to sort out one by one, and also held the stopwatch to simulate her interview.

"Because I am a child of a zero -employment family, I am particularly attentive to her." Hanging the phone, Yu Yanhua found that the sky was dark outside.

"Sister Hua recommends your resume. You can introduce yourself for a minute." Soon, Fang Mingming received an interview invitation from a company.

"I have sorted out the class form before I know the basic operation of the form of the form. I can learn other work skills." Two days later, Fang Mingming participated in the interview again. Well, the sound is loud, the organizational is clear, and the introduction of herself clearly, even if she succeeds. "It was unexpected that the interview lasted for half an hour. Before the end, she also asked the interviewer the development plan of the post.

"The interviewer said that I passed the interview, and I liked it too, just this one!" After taking the door of the enterprise, Fang clearly sent a message to his mother and Yu Yanhua.

Fang Mingming's experience is the epitome of Jilin Province to help college graduates employment. It is understood that the Employment Bureau of Baicheng City Langbei District and the Radio and Television Station jointly opened the employment hotline. Since the opening of the hotline, the employment questions have been answered more than 10,000 times. For key employment groups such as universities and graduates, this year, Jilin Province issued 20 measures to optimize the "96885 Ji Ren Online" platform to provide employment and talent services for enterprises and job seekers; carry out the "service enterprise month" activity, the human -social department department It jointly carried out online recruitment activities such as "private enterprise recruitment month" and nearly 500 lives such as "private enterprise recruitment month", providing a total of 156,000 positions.

After joining the job, Fang Mingming always kept contact with Yu Yanhua."Sister Hua will call me from time to time, ask the work situation, and encourage me to study while young. Now that I have been at work, I can help the family share the pressure at home, and my mother is not so tired. I must do it!" Fang Fang!Obviously.Source: People's Daily Client Jilin Channel

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