Night Check Drunk Drunks to eliminate hidden safety hazards

Author:Yan Zhao Evening News Time:2022.07.25

At night, the scene.

The police conducted a breathing alcohol test on the white car driver.

In response to the characteristics of summer public security and night traffic violations, Shijiazhuang Traffic Police continued to strengthen the control of key periods and sections to effectively eliminate hidden dangers of road traffic and ensure safe travel of the general public.

On the evening of July 23, the Seventh Squadron of the Chang'an Traffic Police Brigade launched a strict investigation near the North Second Ring Road. At 23:28, a dark car entered the inspection point, and the traffic police on duty motioned to the driver of the car for inspection. After the driver got out of the car, the traffic police not only smelled a wine flavor, but also found that he was wearing slippers to drive. The traffic police conducted an exhaled alcohol test on the driver, and the value was displayed as "100㎎/100ml". The driver of the car was suspected of driving a motor vehicle after being drunk.

At 23:32, a red motorcycle screamed along the east to west along the northern second ring. Seeing this, the traffic police immediately signaled that the driver of the car was inspected. After the driver of the car presented the driver's license, driving license and other documents, the traffic police imposed a fine of 100 yuan for 1 point for the illegal act of the bans.

"I did not expect the traffic police to check at night. I will learn from the lesson and drive outside the third ring." The driver of the car said on the penalty form while signing the penalty.

At 0:30 on July 24, a white car was stopped by the traffic police. When the traffic police indicated that the driver of the car was inspected, a stronger wine smell came. The traffic police quickly conducted a whitening alcohol test on the driver. The value was 116㎎/100ml, and it was suspected of driving a motor vehicle after being drunk.

It is understood that in the operation of the day, the traffic management department of Shijiazhuang City focused on urban commercial districts, catering and entertainment concentrated areas, as well as urban and rural junction, national highway provincial highway, rural roads, and scientifically deploying service through cross -examination, mobile inspection and other methods. Maximum police force and equipment are put on the road.执勤交警在查处酒驾、醉驾的同时,坚持“一车多查”,同步查处超员,无牌、无证,不系安全带,违规大货车,渣土车抛洒遗漏,冒黑烟,超限、 Traffic violations such as overloaded traffic, high -intensity investigating management control and creating a trend of high pressure strict tube, further stabilizing the situation of road traffic safety in summer nights in Shijiazhuang City.

According to preliminary statistics, on July 23, Shijiazhuang City investigated and dealt with 1306 key traffic violations. Among them: 43 drunk driving, 54 drunk drunk driving, 6 bombing street cars, 38 overloads, big cars starting from 201, motorcycles illegally from the law, 579 without seat belts, 37 overcurrents, no lanes according to regulations, do not drive according to the prescribed lanes Starting from 126, starting from more than 2 vehicles, 141 non -motorized vehicles, and 62 other illegal illegal.

Text/Yan Zhao Evening News Liu Chenmin, chief reporter of the media

Figure/Yan Zhao Evening News Reporter Li Qing

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