All kinds of criminal cases in Xinxiang City decreased by 60.49% year -on -year

Author:Plains Evening News Time:2022.07.25

"I just went out to do something, and when I came back, I found that the cash in the car was gone!" A few days ago, a mass alarm said that the 2,000 yuan of cash in the suitcase in the car was stolen. The police immediately carried out video investigations and information research and judgment. After determining the trajectory of the suspect, they went to the rehearsal. It didn't take long for the three suspected theft suspects to successfully capture it.

Cigarettes and cash were stolen in a supermarket near Dongjunfu District. The police center police immediately launched a video investigation and found that after the suspect's activity trajectory, after research and analysis, after determining the identity and end of the suspect Capture ...

"Although some cases of invasion of wealth involve involved a small amount, it is related to the vital interests of the masses, and the high degree of social attention must be severely hit with the" zero tolerance "attitude, maintaining the stability of social security, and improving the sense of security." The city public security department is responsible for responsibility People say. It is understood that since the "Hundred Days Action" of the Summer Public Security Campaign, the city has adhered to the work ideas of "three -dimensional prevention and control, grid police, dynamic patrol, overall linkage, and comprehensive coverage". Hidden dangers of public security, heavy fist strike illegal crimes, vigorously rectify social security issues, strongly deteriorate illegal crimes, and let the masses truly feel that the safety tentacles can be well and safe.

Our city "puts" police forces to the streets and enters the community to the maximum extent, focusing on strengthening patrol prevention and control of intensive places such as entertainment venues, night market stalls, and bustling business districts, conduct safety hazards investigation and rectification, and actively resolve contradictions and disputes. Essence In response to the characteristics of summer public security, the city launched 87 summer public security services, accepting the police for help, conducting public security patrols, and maintaining the surrounding order. Relying on street police stations, public security card points, and patrol vehicles, the city further strengthens the patrol density and frequency of personnel intensive places and the parts of Yifa cases, improves the alarm rate and management rate, and ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

Since the beginning of its own movement, various types of criminal cases in the city have decreased by 60.49%year -on -year. Among them, the number of cases filed by telecommunications fraud cases decreased by 61%year -on -year, and the case of theft cases decreased by 53.69%year -on -year.

(Wei Mingzhe, a reporter from Xinxiang Daily All -Media)

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