Yumen City Holding the Promotion Conference on the Rectification of the Safety Risks of Chemical Parks

Author:Ai Yumen Time:2022.07.25

On July 21, Yumen City held a promotion meeting for rectification of safety risk levels of chemical parks.

Yang Jiede, member of the Standing Committee of the Yumen Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor of the municipal government, attended the meeting and spoke requesting. The management committees and relevant departments of the parks must resolutely carry the political responsibility of preventing and resolving major security risks, go all out to prevent risks and safeguard safety, and make overall plans to coordinatePromote the prevention and control of normalization epidemic and economic and social development to create a safe and stable environment; we must attach great importance to the rectification work of the safety risk level of chemical parks, adhere to the "first leader" responsibility system, earnestly fulfill their responsibilities, actively claim tasksDisproduce the problems and remove the ice and clear obstacles; it is necessary to strictly implement the responsibility of production safety, and guide the facts, so as to be responsible for the protection of the soil, the responsibility of the land, and the responsibility of the land, and ensure that the rectification work is completed on schedule.

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