What should I do if the media's influence of public opinion has been extorted by enterprises?Supreme Law: Strict blow

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.25

Cover news reporter Su Yu

On July 25, the Supreme People's Court held a press conference to release the "Opinions on Providing Judicial Services and Guarantee for the Construction of Judicial Services and Guarantee for Accelerating the Construction of Unified Unified Markets." The "Opinions" clearly states that according to the law, the self -media operator uses the influence of public opinion to extract and extort enterprises, and maliciously slander the business reputation of merchants and the reputation of product reputation.

Supreme Law New News Conference.

The "Opinions" pointed out that the judicial protection of intellectual property rights is increased, the service guarantees scientific and technological innovation and the development of emerging industries, and it is used to lead and create new needs with innovation -driven and high -quality supply. Continue to increase the protection of key areas of key areas, key core technologies and innovative small and medium -sized enterprises in key areas, emerging industries. Strictly implement the system of punitive compensation and behavioral preservation of intellectual property infringement, and effectively curb intellectual property infringement.

Promote the improvement of lawsuits that meet the laws of trials in intellectual property rights, improve the cross -regional jurisdiction system of the Intellectual Property Court, unblock intellectual property litigation and arbitration, mediation docking mechanism, and improve the administrative law enforcement mechanism of intellectual property rights.

Help improve the quality of goods. Resolutely punish illegal criminal acts such as fake and shoddy goods, harmful food and drug safety. In accordance with the law, the preparation of fake sale, deck infringement, and harmful seed resources are punished by the law, and the safety crimes of the seed industry are harmful, and the national seed industry resources are promoted. In accordance with the law, the contract and infringement disputes caused by the quality of the goods, accurately apply the punitive compensation system, and pay attention to the use of civil methods to promote the improvement of the quality of the goods.

"Opinions" supports improvement of consumer service quality. Improve the support system for expanding the judicial policy of domestic demand, and actively create a rule of law environment that is conducive to comprehensively promoting consumption. Severe punishment for pre -consumer fraud crimes, properly handle housing, education and training, medical and health, pension and education, such as the protection disputes in consumer rights and interests in key people's livelihood fields, and improve the sense of security and satisfaction of the masses.

Improve the review rules of consumer cases such as online consumption, service consumption, and the development of new formats and new formats for service guarantee for consumption upgrades and consumption upgrades. Optimize the audit mechanism of consumer disputes, explore the establishment of a collective lawsuit system for consumer rights protection, improve the consumer public interest litigation system, promote the establishment of a linkage mechanism between consumer rights protection work departments, and promote the governance of consumer disputes.

The "Opinions" clearly crack down on monopoly and unfair competition in accordance with the law. Strengthen judicial antitrust and anti -unfair competition, stop monopoly behaviors such as monopoly agreements, abuse of market dominance, etc., and severely crack down on unfair competition such as infringing commercial secrets, trademark malicious removal, and counterfeiting. Improper competition cases such as guarantee areas such as guarantee.

In addition, strengthen the judicial regulation of the monopoly of platform enterprises, timely stop the use of data, algorithms, technical means and other methods to eliminate and restrict competition, and severely punish the "two -choice", big data killing, low -cost dumping, forced delivery, etc. Destroy fair competition, disrupt market order, and prevent platform monopoly and capital disorderly expansion.

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Content source | Zijin Mountain News