"Digital wisdom" life, Zhejiang Business University students increased the happiness community for a happy community

Author:Zhejiang University of Commerc Time:2022.07.25

(Correspondent Lin Xiaoying Wang Yifan)

Digitalization is one of the important features of future communities, and APP is the best entrance to residents' "tentacles".

Recently, the party members and teachers and students of the "Phase of Intelligent Governance" Science and Technology Service Team of Zhejiang University of Technology (College of Artificial Intelligence) (School of Artificial Intelligence) and the Hangzhou Yiyu Technology Co., Ltd., founded by the School of Xindian College Lotus Street Jielian Community, Ronghua Community, Jihua Street, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, and Yunjian Community, Yunjian Street, Baiyun Street, around the "palm community" and "digital party building", let the smart community move towards modern governance.

"For a long time, various forms in the community are the pain points of the grass -roots burden. Digital change provides a 'sharp weapon' for this burden." Several streets of the streets communicated in depth with the students in the "pain point" in the work. Secretary Xu Ya from Jielian Community Caihe Street said that when serving the elderly, the data is complicated and not achieved the effect of precise services; Difficulties in party building ...

In response to the pain points and needs of various communities in grassroots work, the practical team has devoted the community to develop the "smart party building system" for the community. "This system rely on page design, business rules definition, data collection and analysis, three major core technologies, with functions of organizing archives management, party member learning, training, assessment and other functions." Wang Ying, a member of the practice team, said that this system uses smart analysis and wisdom Based on interaction, using cloud computing technology to improve the effective development of party members' activities, not only can combine the community in the "one old and one small" service, grid management, and party branch organization life, but also meet the basic work and internal management of the community and internal management. Digital needs.

The practical team also proposed a technical solution for the community.

"We also build a targeted digital management platform in order to save human and material resources in actual work and help digital community governance under the leadership of party building." Wang Ying said that digital communities are the one -stop type to cover the needs of residents, clothing,,, and securities. Life service platform, "We adopt platform+party building model to obtain and solve the diverse needs of residents' urgency, difficulties, sorrows, and hope."

"The arrival of the service team provides new ideas for the difficulty of resolving the difficulty in community governance work." Secretary Li Saizhen, Yunjian Community, Baiyun Street, said that with the help of digital technology, there is a understanding of the "information islands" in community governance. "College students apply what they have learned into practice and solve social problems efficiently. This is commendable."

Since 2021, the Party Branch of the School of Communications of Zhejiang University of Technology (School of Artificial Intelligence), the Party Branch of the School of Information and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Electrical and Industry, to radiate Hangzhou, Taizhou and other regions. More than 40,000 people.

In Yanqiao Village, Tonglu County, the Summer Social Practice Team of the School of Industry and Commerce, Zhejiang University of Technology and Industry and Commerce's School of Industry and Commerce Institute of Industry and Commerce Institute of Industry and Commerce Institute of Industry and Commerce Institute of Industry and Commerce Institute of Industry and Commerce Institute of Industry and Commerce Institute of Business. At the same time, Zhejiang University of Technology and Commerce's "Lan Moon Digital Governance" innovation and entrepreneurship team developed "rural brain" to use big data to provide users with standardized products and personalized services to enhance the happiness of rural villagers in the local area.

Xia Ying, the person in charge, said that Yanqiao Village has a long history and is the core area of ​​the transfer of Fuchun's future city and the economic development zone. The management department is facing tremendous pressure and challenges in the mobile population service and management. "So we designed special software services such as one yard, rental industry list, and convenient service for the rental industry in the local area."

In the communication with the Practice Group, Wang Lairen, deputy director of Fengchuan Street, Tonglu County, said that the Tonglu production base and the surrounding security supporting industry of Hikvision brought a lot of migrant population to Yanqiao Village. 8,000 people are now affected by the epidemic and need to be sent to investigate many times. "Now use the rural brain system, digital management of 225 agricultural housing housing and nearly 4,000 rental houses. It can be judged and analyzed in real time, and the situation is clear and clear."

Xia Ying said that in the future, she will continue to promote the digital rural solutions of the "one move and six types". Create a digital smart application service scenario. "Promoting rural revitalization in a" digital treatment+wisdom "manner, she hopes to measure it with a practical step to step out a digital and enable rural revitalization.

Relying on professional knowledge and combined with social reality, the practical team of Zhejiang University of Technology and Commerce has been on the road, with "Internet+" thinking to help improve the effectiveness of governance, deeply penetrate the "digital front line" and "digital customization" seminar canteen smart settlement technology; "Go to the harmony community and Hongmei community to investigate the development status of" Internet+Nursing Service "...

In the summer vacation of this year, Zhejiang University of Technology and Commerce University successively had a total of 285 practical teams and more than 3397 teachers and students to go out of campus, enter the society, go deep into the grassroots level, and go to provinces and cities across the country to carry out "double -hundred and double advances" concentrated summer social practice. As Zhu Yalei, the person in charge of the "Initial Intellectual Governance" technology service team, said that as a college student, he should be based on a professional, serve the society with innovative thinking, and devote himself to the "two advances" with practical actions.

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