Warm heart!9000 catties of vegetable donation difficult people

Author:Xinxi Gu Time:2022.07.25

On July 24, the former British Vegetable Farmers Cooperative in Xigu District donated 4.5 tons of lotus cauliflower to the low guarantee households and difficult people in the Xigu District, which contributed its own power to the epidemic prevention work.

The Qianying Vegetable Farmers Cooperative in Xigu District was established in 2009. The business scope is mainly based on seedling cultivation, technology demonstration base construction, vegetable planting, sales, fresh -keeping storage, agricultural capital purchase and supply, and agricultural technology promotion. As the leader of the wealthy leader of Guangyue Mountain Village, Xigu District, Liao Shiqian linked the production and cooperatives of one household and adopted the development model of "cooperatives+science and technology households+farmers" to serve farmers with science and technology. There are more than 2,000 acres of summer vegetables.

At present, Liao Shi actively responded to the prevention of epidemic prevention. After he learned about the moving traces of the staff and volunteers who fought on the front line of the epidemic, he was deeply moved. He felt that his hometown encountered such difficulties and what he had to do. Thinking of vegetables, he decided to contribute to his hometown resistance.

So he quickly contacted the principals of the Xigu District Rong Media Center and told him the idea of ​​donating vegetables. The main person in charge of the Rong Media Center of Xigu District was very moved after hearing it. He was docked with the Civil Affairs Bureau of Xigu District for the first time to do a good job of social assistance during the prevention and control of the epidemic. In the hands of the people in difficulties, the basic life of the difficult people affected by the epidemic will be effectively guaranteed, and the overall situation of the district's epidemic is used to prevent the overall situation of the district.

In the early morning of July 24, Liao Shi and his wife Yang Guiying quickly prepared vegetables and sent them to communities in Xigu District as soon as possible. Yang Guiying, the head of the former British Vegetable Farmer Professional Cooperative in Xigu District, said: "In these episodes, we all look at the hard work of front -line staff. The spirit of mutual assistance, cooperation, and care for the society, give play to the unique advantages of the countryside, contact farmers, and connect with the city, take the initiative to participate, be courageous, and actively carry out work in terms of production protection and prevention and control . During the epidemic period, it was inconvenient to go out. It was not convenient to buy food or something. This lotus cauliflower was planted by our village. Today we send a total of 4.5 tons of vegetables to various streets and the people’s home. We just want to do our best to do ourselves ourselves. What do you do for your social responsibility, I hope that these vegetables can solve everyone’s urgency. "

Love is selfless, helps resist, and the epidemic is now moving our retrograde heroes, as well as ordinary people around us. Behind these heavy vegetables, they not only convey their love, but also convey their determination to fight the epidemic. They are silently contributed to the anti -epidemic in their own way.

Reporter: Zhou Junyu

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