"Epidemic" to the front | China Aid Cambodian Acupuncture Master Jiang Ke: The "initial heart" of the Huaizhi brings health to the Cambodian people

Author:Chinese Academy of Traditional Time:2022.06.15

School of Science and Technology of Chinese Medicine Sciences

Public account ID: CACMS1955

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Deputy Chief Physician Jiang Ke diagnosed and treated the local residents

"In the face of the current special test, the doctor's mission supports the white warrior." Jiang Ke, a member of the Chinese Medicine Anti -Epidemic Expert Group and the deputy chief physician of the acupuncture department of the Acupuncture Department of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, wrote down before rushing to Cambodia in Phnom Penh Such a sentence.

Members of China Aid Chinese Medicine Anti -Epidemic Experts Team in Cambodia teach lectures in Cambodia

In an interview with a reporter in late May, Jiang Ke had already worked for the first two months of the Chinese Medicine Department of Cambodia -China -Cambodia Friendship Hospital in the first government of traditional Chinese medicine in the Cambodian public hospital. Local patients provide acupuncture diagnosis and treatment services, and also teach local doctors to teach Chinese medicine knowledge to provide health education for local students.

Local patients presented to Dr. Jiang Ke

In the early spring of this year, the Chinese government decided to send a TCM anti -epidemic expert group and medical team to Cambodia. This is also the first Chinese medicine aid anti -epidemic expert group and medical team that was sent to foreign countries at the level. "When the domestic new crown epidemic was just outbreak, I saw that medical teams went to Wuhan to resist the disease. Registration, I hope to join the team to fight with everyone. After the selection, Jiang Ke entered the expert group to start a trip to Cambodia.

Members of China Acting Cambodian Anti -Epidemic Expert Group and Deputy Chief Physician of the Acupuncture Department of Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Jiang Ke aid Cambodia

At the beginning of the Chinese medicine anti -epidemic expert group of Cambodia aid Cambodia, the local anti -epidemic was tight, and the situation was very severe. The Department of Pulmonary Diseases of Cosma Hospital took the initiative to come to the TCM outpatient clinic, requesting cooperation with the acupuncture department to treat new crown and lung disease. "This fully reflects the expectations of acupuncture therapy for local hospitals." Jiang Ke said.

During the help of Cambodia, Cosmma China -Cambodia Friendship Hospital implemented an outpatient appointment system for the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a doctor of acupuncture and postdoctoral Chinese medicine, Jiang Ke used his superb medical skills to relieve the pain for the patient, so that the patients in Cambodia really realized the acupuncture of acupuncture. Special effects, shortly after, acupuncture appointments are "difficult to find", including local people, including many Cambodian government seniors, came to experience acupuncture therapy.

"The reason why this phenomenon appears so fast is the irreplaceable acupuncture." Jiang Ke said, for example, facial neuritis, acupuncture is the most important treatment method. Generally, the effect of drugs and other treatment methods has no effect. Essence At the same time, the characteristics and advantages of acupuncture are fast results. Some osteopathy, such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, and sciatica, the symptoms of pain, stiffness, and numbness can be relieved after tie. For example, internal medicine, such as stomach disease, bloating and stomach pain, acupuncture therapy also has the characteristics of fast visibility.

China Aid Chinese Medicine Anti -Epidemic Expert Group for Cambodia Diagnosis and treatment of patients

Jiang Ke mentioned a case: Mr. Li is an overseas Chinese in Cambodia. His wife and American Anna is very interested in Chinese culture and acupuncture. When I heard that Cosma Hospital opened a consultation, he urged Mr. Li to take her to the doctor. Anna has serious rhinitis. Each rhinitis seizure can cause severe migraine. It is difficult to relieve for 2-3 days, which is very painful. On March 30th, Mr. Li took Anna to the hospital. Jiang Ke asked the first acupuncture treatment for Anna for chronic rhinitis after asking the condition in detail, and inform the precautions in detail. After 4 days, Mr. Li brought Anna to the Department of Acupuncture, saying that the last acupuncture rhinitis was obviously relieved, and there was no migraine for 4 consecutive days.

Jiang Ke conducted a science of knowledge of Chinese medicine at the Cambodian Directors

"Mr. Li deliberately came to the clinic to thank, and said that doctors from China have cured the disease of American wives with traditional medicine, which made him feel" face "in front of Anna, and he was very proud. A response said that more local people will experience the special effects of traditional Chinese medicine. "Jiang Ke said.

At present, the task of the China Anti -Epidemia Expert Group has been completed, and Jiang Ke has continued to work in the Cambodian hospital as a member of the medical team. "In the next year, I have to take advantage of this platform to promote acupuncture, so that more people know the wisdom and profoundness of traditional Chinese medicine culture in China. When I get out, I have said that I will do my best. The battlefield contributes all the strength, exerts the huge advantages of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and bring health to the Cambodian people. In the future, I will also firmly work with this doctor's "original intention '." Jiang Ke said.

Source: Xiyuan Hospital

Edit/typesetting: Zhang Lei

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