Turn into simplifying, Tianhe Airport's queues into Hong Kong planes adopt a new formation

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.25

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 25th News At 9:34 on July 24th, the Civil Aviation Hubei Air Management Branch's control operation department approached the control room of the control room, and flight 3911 from Shenzhen to Wuhan. Add a "fan -shaped area" under the next, Tianhe Airport's "Point Integration" flight program is officially implemented.

The implementation of the "Point Fusion" program helps Tianhe Airport's operational efficiency further.

"Point integration" is an interesting and scientific flight program that reduces the operating risks brought by excessive radar guidance and improves the operating efficiency of the airport.

As early as 2006, the concept of "point integration" was proposed in Europe, and the earliest application was the Oslo Airport terminal in Norway. At present, point integration has been put into use at more than 20 airport terminals around the world, including three airports in my country: Shanghai Pudong, Guangzhou Baiyun and Shenzhen Baoan. Wuhan Tianhe Airport is the earliest airport in China.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Hubei Air Management Branch, for a long time, the structure of Hubei Airway Network has a complex structure, large flight flow, many operational restrictions, and many congestion nodes. In addition, the number of flight volume has increased sharply since the summer of the summer. The airport is facing a large number of different directions in Hong Kong every day.

The implementation of the "Point Fusion" program helps Tianhe Airport's operational efficiency further.

"Large airports are similar to daily parking lots. The" vehicle 'in all directions needs to be commanded as an orderly queue outside the parking lot. But compared to ground traffic, the most headache in air traffic is that the aircraft cannot stop like a car without moving as a car. This makes the difficulty of the sorting of air traffic sort than how many times higher the ground traffic. "The person in charge further explained that because the aircraft is always in a state of movement, the air tube must not only consider the location, interval, and time when the aircraft sorting the aircraft, but also the time, but also the time, but also the time, but also the time, but also the time, but also the time, but also the time, but also the time, but also the time, but also the time. Consider the speed and movement of the aircraft. Therefore, the "point fusion" flight program came in handy.

Point fusion is to use the arc -to -arc to be at any point to the simple principle of the distance, and it provides an efficient approach method for the empty tube, which is equivalent to drawing a fan -shaped area in the air. "Stop" online and wait, and then listen to the order in turn to the fusion point in turn.

Huang Yufeng, the head teacher of the closer control room, said that this program can make the input aircraft that sorted "chaotic" to become "well -organized", and the controller no longer needs to adjust the aircraft direction, speed, and height frequently, which not only simplifies the instructions, but also improves the instructions and improved. efficiency.

The implementation of the "Point Fusion" program helps Tianhe Airport's operational efficiency further.

On the 24th, combined with the airspace conditions, the Hubei Air Management Branch used the "point integration" process for 7.5 hours to ensure that 32 of the 88 flights entering Hong Kong used the "point integration" procedure.

The person in charge stated that the traffic flow of the entrance flight can further reduce the flight conflict and optimize the operating environment of the airspace. When the summer and Huahu Airport is opened, it can effectively improve the air traffic control capabilities under large flow, improve operational efficiency In order to create a safe and efficient "dual hub" for Hubei aviation passenger and freight transportation.

(Changjiang Daily reporter Xu Dan correspondent Liao Dongsheng Liu Jingyu)

【Edit: Yao Hao】

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