Si Bingcheng: The "armed" land of science and technology, the agricultural cause is very promising

Author:Jiaodong Online Time:2022.07.25

Jiaodong Online, July 25 (Reporter Wu Yuxin) Lifelong professor of Saskatchewin University in Canada, Double Achievement Society in the United States and Canada, more than 180 academic papers in SCI, cumulative influence factors of 400 or more ... Western scholars are very difficult, and it is surprising that these dazzling honors belong to a former Hebei simple "rural baby".

From the model model to becoming a role model

Two suitcases, standing in a stubborn. Si Bingcheng still remembers the appearance when he first stepped on the road to studying overseas decades ago. "It's not banknotes in the box. Only the pots and pans and four seasons of clothing I brought out in order to save money." Si Bingcheng was a young self. Although the sad life of a foreign country has long been expected, the cruelty of reality still gives Si Bingcheng a heavy blow at that time.

"Thanks to the solid mathematical education in China, my professional performance is not bad. But because the language is not skilled, I have never been able to communicate with scholars from all over the country." Si Bingcheng recalled. I still remember that when I first went to the United States to attend the academic conference, in order to ensure that everything was lost, he carried the words one by one in advance. But when it was on the stage, the nervous mood still made the mind blank. "Although the people on the stage can't see the strangeness, these seconds are particularly long for me, which gives me a lot."

After that, Si Bingcheng inspired himself as an example. On the way from his residence to campus every day, he practiced pronunciation while rushing and repeatedly exercising English. During teaching, when chatting, and when they are struggling, every small effort is bringing tremendous changes. When Si Bingcheng was invited by the Canadian Soil Society to speak for the conference again, he found that he became more and more ahead. After the speech, many scholars in the industry went around and congratulated him to complete the "best report" at the conference.

"This is a comprehensive evaluation." Si Bingcheng lamented, "This is not only the recognition of my scientific research results, but also the recognition of my speech and courseware production ability." The excellent comprehensive strength also allowed Si Bing to make Si Bing In 2021, he was awarded at the same time by the American Soil Society and the Canadian Soil Society. It was the only international top soil scholar in the world who had won these two awards at the same time.

From the role model to become a role model for others, under the influence of Si Bingcheng, his students have also become a rising star that cannot be underestimated by the academic community. Based on personal experience, Si Bingcheng admits that when he cultivates students, he will also pay attention to improving his expression ability. "My students have won the 'Excellent Speaking Award' at the International Congress many times. Explain.

Yantai "fertile soil", both educated talents and achievements

Born in rural areas and specializing in agriculture, Si Bingcheng has always paid close attention to domestic agricultural development. He believes that Shandong as a large agricultural province can largely reflect the trend of national agricultural development. Therefore, in July 2018, he happily accepted the invitation to teach at the School of Resources and Environmental Engineering of Ludong University.

Determined to build a world -class laboratory for the country, set up first -class teams, and cultivate first -class talents. "The coverage of our team 'National Natural Science Foundation' is 93%, and many 985 universities cannot achieve such results." Si Bingcheng introduced.

But for the team and cultivating talents, he always felt that he was still studying. He said: "What I do is treating students as their own children." Critics and encouragement are also indispensable. I have to teach each other in my life. Change it in person.

“但文章再重要,我也不以论文为唯一标准。培养博士生是为了解决科研课题,需要培养的是解决问题的能力——自主提出问题、设计实验、再根据假设进行认证,不论是带Students are still training young teachers, and I have implemented this principle. "Si Bingcheng added.

In such an atmosphere, the entire team is grounded, doing practical things, leaning on the line, and is good at communicating with enterprises and farmers through field to help solve practical problems encountered in agricultural production.

After coming to the cigarette, Si Bingcheng found that the Apple industry, as a signboard of Yantai Agriculture, has a large investment and long income period. The annual state of fruit trees not only affects the output of the year, but also radiates for a long time in the future. The problem of soil acidification and the drought problems caused by changing weather will greatly affect the state of fruit trees.

Apple is a deep-rooted plant, and the past soil management only focuses on the surface, especially the 20-30cm part of the soil. Si Bingcheng thought that if you can better manage the deeper soil, that is, the Asian surface soil, will effectively improve the production and ecological security of Apple.

In the face of these issues, Si Bingcheng led the team to actively promote soil improvement work, focusing on the sustainable development of apple and soil resources in the hills, and achieved many research results in the fields of apple root system, soil acidification, water and fertilizer management, and nanomantic agriculture. The current status of acidification of soil has designed the solution of water and gas nano -carbon irrigation, biological governance, nitrogen fertilizer regulation ICON system solutions, and used the fruitful scientific research results to vigorously promote the high -quality development of the local apple industry in Yantai.

Si Bingcheng (left)

"Agricultural science is cutting -edge science!"

"No human land!" Si Bingcheng believes that this is the most prominent contradiction currently facing local agriculture and even the country. Due to their age, the older generation of the village has fewer and fewer people planting land, and the investment in agricultural management cannot keep up with; and young people generally think that this is a tired work, and they have left the field to pursue different lives in the city. Where is the "next generation of farmers"? "Through high -tech and digital technologies, we can improve agricultural technology content, thereby improving the professionalism and willingness of the next generation to engage in agriculture." It is with this concept that Si Bingcheng chose to return to China to help the vigorous development of agricultural science and technology.

Utilizing the personal knowledge of the individual, combined with the advantages of the advantages, Si Bingcheng used the characteristics of the fruit tree liquid flow and water, etc., and used the "high thermal capacity of water" as a breakthrough point to detect the key data of fruit water through soil thermal conduction changes. Si Bingcheng used single probe technology to combine the DTS distributed optical cable water measurement technology to bury the distributed temperature measurement meter into the ground, accurately measure the heat capacity and water content per 20 cm, thereby calculating the water distribution of the entire field. Observe the changes in the plane, vertical direction and time, detect the soil in all directions, and guide farmers to better fertilize and irrigate.

With high heat -conducting materials, Si Bingcheng also reduced the measurement error of the optical cable water measurement to about 5%. Through theoretical calculations, the improved error will continue to be reduced to within 2%. At present, the project has obtained the support of major scientific and technological innovation projects in Shandong Province, and has initially achieved the expected goals, and combined with enterprises for industrialization. The output of facilities in the test area increased by 15%year -on -year, and the efficiency of water utilization increased by 30%, reducing the amount of fertilizers by more than 10%, and a comprehensive economic benefits increased by 25%. It is estimated that the new profit will be more than 50 million yuan. If the promotion and application area can accumulate more than 200,000 acres, the new economic benefits will exceed 5 billion yuan. It can provide technical support for the realization of rural revitalization and help new socialist rural construction. Essence

The development of agricultural science and technology, eliminating agricultural prejudice, and cultivating agricultural talents, Si Bingcheng is still on the way to achieve his goals. "Agriculture has never been a sunset industry, but a vigorous discipline full of cutting -edge technology." Si Bingcheng hoped that by continuously developing modern agriculture and enhancing the level of science and technology, more and more young people love agricultural schools, for the purpose of The country's agricultural development contributes a new generation of power.

Si Bingcheng (left)

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