[Gansu Jinchang] The supply of living materials is full price

Author:Jinchang Daily Time:2022.07.25

During the epidemic, Jinchang's "vegetable basket" and "rice bag" were full of dissatisfaction? What is the price? Early in the morning on July 21, the reporter visited some markets in our city to understand the supply of vegetables.

In Jinchuan Natural Agricultural Products wholesale Market, the reporter saw that vehicles transporting vegetables are sending various fresh vegetables to major supermarkets and vegetable shops in the urban area. Vegetables and fruits in the market are full of variety of vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, onions and other vegetables. Wu Yuanzhang, chairman of Jinchuan Natural Agricultural Products Development Co., Ltd. told reporters: "At present, the market has stored 225 tons of various vegetables, which can fully meet the citizens' demand for vegetables."

At the entrance of Changtai Market in the urban area, a group of staff in red vests guided citizens who came to buy food to enter the market in turn after scanning the code. In the market, many stalls are complete and fresh. "Now it seems that, in addition to the price of vegetables rising slightly, the entire market is still sufficient." The stall owner Wang Enwei said. Car and vegetables.

Wang Fengmei, the head of the Changchun Road Store in Jinlong Mall, told reporters that on the evening of the 20th, the company supplemented the supply of all sales stores overnight. The current supply is sufficient. In addition to the increase in retail prices due to rising prices, the prices of commonly used vegetables such as potatoes, radish, cabbage have basically not changed. The reporter saw in the store that various vegetables were neat and transparent on the shelves in the vegetable area. "I believe that the government has the ability to ensure the citizens '" vegetable basket' and 'rice bags'. "Ms. Zhang, a citizen who came to buy food, said that she did not intend to buy more, enough to eat for a day or two.

The reporter learned from the municipal business department that in accordance with the requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government, the municipal and county commercial departments implement daily monitoring and daily reports on the daily necessities of the people, and rely on wholesale markets, large and medium -sized supermarkets, vegetable markets, chain convenience stores, etc. Conservation for enterprises and make every effort to ensure the market supply of citizens' necessities. At present, the city's rice noodles oil, egg milk, vegetables and other items are sufficient, and the prices are basically stable.

Reporter: Yan Honghai Zhong Xiaoyan

Edit: Yu chrysanthemum

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