On July 24, Lanzhou City added a new local "19+100", details of the details →

Author:Gansu released Time:2022.07.25

On July 24, Lanzhou City added local "19+100"

From 0:00 to 24:00 on July 24, 19 new local diagnosis cases were added in Lanzhou, of which 18 were in Chengguan District (including 9 cases from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases) and 1 case of Yuzhong County. 100 cases.

As of 24:00 on July 24, the epidemic reported 408 local diagnosis cases and 1486 cases of no symptoms.

On July 24, a total of 12 confirmed cases were healed, and 31 asymptomatic infected people lifted the observation of isolation medicine, cured 169 cases of discharge and discharged and lifted the observation of isolation medicine.

On July 24th, the new local "18+96" details were added in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City →

From 0:00 to 24:00 on July 24, 18 new local diagnosis cases were added in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City (including 9 cases of non -symptoms of infection); 96 newly added symptoms were added. As of 24:00 on July 24, a total of 363 local confirmed cases were reported and 1358 were asymptomatic infected. Cumulative healing and discharge of 132 people observed in isolation.

Basic situation of new cases

Case Damou, female, now lives in Yannan Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City.

Case Wei Moumou, male, now lives in Yannan Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City.

Case Shao Moumou, female, now lives in Yannan Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, and is found to be a centralized isolation nucleic acid screening.

Case Zhang Moumou, male, now lives in Yannan Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City.

Case Li Moumou, female, now lives in Jingyuan Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City.

Case Wang, female, now lives in Gongxingdun Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City.

Case Zhang Moumou, female, now lives in Yanchang Road Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, and is found to be nucleic acid screening for key groups.

Case Hu Moumou, female, now lives in Jilan Road Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, and has a centralized isolation of nucleic acid screening.

Case Han Moumou, female, now lives in Baiyin Road Street, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, and is found to have a centralized isolation nucleic acid screening.

The above nine people were diagnosed as a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia after consultation. All of them were light cases. They had been transferred to designated hospitals for treatment. Related flow and investigation were ongoing.

96 people such as Zhang Moumou were diagnosed with asymptomatic infections of the new coronal virus after consultation, and all of them have been transferred to a designated hospital for isolation medical observation. Related flow and investigation are ongoing.

On July 24th, there were 77 positives of the nucleic acid screening of key areas in Lanzhou City.

In order to quickly and complete the potential infection and risk personnel of the dry sieve, Lanzhou City continued to carry out nucleic acid screening in key areas in accordance with the requirements of "scientific order and inspection". On July 24, a total of 2.289 million samples were sampled, and all the tests were completed. 77 positives were detected, of which 75 wereolated personnel and 2 cases in society. The 1342 people who tracked them and 144 were closely connected, and the corresponding measures have been implemented.

As of now, Lanzhou has opened 199 concentrated isolation points and 19,915 rooms, with a centralized isolation of 14,685 people. On July 24th, 761 people were lifted, and 10,849 were released.

As of 24:00 on July 24th, this round of epidemic has reduced 41 high -risk zones to mid -risk zones and 48 medium -risk areas to low -risk areas. At present, Lanzhou has a total of 193 high -risk areas and 115 mid -risk zones.

Lanzhou applies "Gansu prescriptions" to the entire process of prevention and patient treatment

Lanzhou City gave full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and applied the "Gansu prescriptions" to the entire process of prevention and patient treatment. Since July 9, 5679 doses are distributed to those who have confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections, 94,100 doses of centralized isolation personnel, 742,200 doses to high -risk zones, personnel to medium -risk zone, temporary control personnel, and first -line epidemic prevention epidemic prevention The personnel were distributed 715,800 doses.

19 places for special nucleic acid samples in Lanzhou to add insurance for personnel

In order to do a good job in the screening of nucleic acids such as logistics, express delivery, takeaway, and taxi industry, the risk of spreading the risk of dissemination of channels such as delivery and transportation. Lanzhou City has added 19 special nucleic acid samples such as logistics, express, takeaway, and taxis in the city. Provide more secure and assured life services.

Ensure that the people's life needs Lanzhou partitions to refine logistics and distribution

Lanzhou has established a "whitelist" of key provides enterprises to urge various wholesale markets, marketing (farmers) markets, and commercial supermarkets to compact the responsibility of preventing and control of epidemic prevention and control, fully maintain market security operations, and ensure the needs of the people. At the same time, partitions are made in accordance with the nearby principle to refine logistics and distribution measures. On July 24, there were 22,000 vegetable bags in the four districts of Lanzhou City, 55,000 vegetables were distributed in the e -commerce platform, and 73,000 copies of the central kitchen delivery box lunch.

Lanzhou strengthened key places to investigate to realize the clear society as soon as possible

At present, the situation of the epidemic situation in Lanzhou is generally good, but the risk of dissemination of the epidemic still exists. Lanzhou is concentrating on the rapid development of nucleic acid screening in key areas, strictly strengthen the investigation of key personnel in key places, and realize the social clearness as soon as possible.

Lanzhou City will strictly implement centralized isolation measures, strengthen the work force of the isolation point work, strengthen the management of internal and external regulations, and strictly implement the prevention and control measures such as personal protection and medical waste disposal in accordance with relevant regulations to prevent cross -infections in the occurrence. Lanzhou City has distributed dailyive prevention supplies to 5,300 low -insurance families

In response to the "open" building courtyard, "three regardless of" buildings and other areas, Lanzhou City organized a guarantee for enterprises to establish a "living material guarantee for mobile teams" and regularly designated living materials. In the community, the situation of the elderly, pregnant women, and disabled people in the community, dynamically renewed the needs of life needs, and tried to meet the urgent needs of life and epidemic prevention materials.

According to statistics, since this round of epidemic, Lanzhou City has accumulated more than 6,200 living materials such as rice noodle oil, more than 1,500 boxes of rice noodle oil, and more than 1,500 boxes of vegetables, and distributed masks, alcohol, disinfectant and other epidemic preventive materials to more than 5,300 households. More than 29,000 pieces.

From July 7th to July 24th, Lanzhou Railway Station departs a total of 1456.5 pairs

On the basis of the various measures of "internal defense" in Lanzhou City Guan District, they insist on "external defense input" not relaxed, and strictly implement the "two stations and one game", Lan Langkou, and street communities. Personnel ranking registration prevention and control requirements.

From July 7th to July 24th, Lanzhou Railway Station departed a total of 1456.5 pairs, and 5001 passengers were registered for abnormalities, all of which were implemented and other related measures were implemented. Implement relevant measures; a total of 1,6128 people who came to Lan and Lan in each street, 230 of them were isolated at home as required.

Source: New Gansu Client (New Gansu · Daily Gansu.com reporter Wang Yuchen)

Edit: Wang Xuexiang Responsible: Zhu Wang School Trial: Xu Minzhi

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