Together again!

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.25

A few days ago, Shaoyang College had a huge sum of money to introduce Philippine Ph.D.'s. On the evening of July 24, the Hunan Provincial Department of Education issued a notice on this incident, and it has instructed Shaoyang College to correct improper practices and give removal of relevant responsible persons. Coincidentally, after Shaoyang College, Xingtai College was also exposed to suspected that there was a batch introduction of "Dr. Quick Cheng".

It is understood that in February this year, Xingtai College announced a list of public selection and hired personnel in 2021. A total of 13 people were Ph.D. in Korean universities. Some netizens found that these doctors may have been in -service teachers in Xingtai College before.

Questions made "the introduction of Dr. Quick Cheng" became a hot topic. Is there a huge industrial chain behind the "Dr. Sudong"? New Yellow River reporter learned that in many universities and groups with Shenbo's needs, there are a large number of Shenbo study abroad intermediary advertisements, and such advertisements often focus on "short -term" "low thresholds" and "high pass rate". "Success" is a gimmick enrollment.

What puzzles netizens is that "Dr. Sucheng" is controversial and has a low gold content. Why are some universities still introduced in batches? In this regard, the reporter of Xinhuanghe checked the information and found that the proportion of the full -time teacher of a doctoral degree is to determine the hard indicators of colleges and universities' renames, Shen Shuo, and Shen Bo. Expert analysis, for local colleges and universities, encouraging that in -service teachers to study "Dr. Quick Cheng" is more feasible than recruiting other universities doctors, but "Dr. Quick Cheng" itself is not desirable. The construction of college teachers must get rid of the theory of education.

Netizens broke the news:

Xingtai College selected Korean doctoral discussion

Recently, some netizens broke the news that Xingtai College publicly selected 13 female doctors who graduated from Korean universities and exposed the list of employees. "This public recruitment for the society, the final selected personnel graduated from Korean universities, and Chinese students went to South Korea to study doctors. Selection. Is it similar to the previous situation of Shaoyang College who sent our teachers to return to school after studying abroad? Subsequently, some netizens found in the list of selected employees released by Xingtai College that these doctors may have been in -service teachers of Xingtai College before.

In response to the news, the reporter of the new Yellow River retrieved the official website of Xingtai College and the official website of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Xingtai City, which confirmed that the school introduced 13 Ph.D. in South Korea, but for the detailed information of 13 doctors, the school's official website was not announced. The reporter compared to Xingtai College in 2021 to choose a PhD list and found that a paper published in 2020 called "Education and Teaching Research on Preschool Children's Fine Arts Curriculum". Xingtai College, these two information are highly consistent with Dai Dai's information on the list of doctorates in Xingtai College. In addition, in the theme report released by Xingtai College's official website in 2018, some information of Dai Moumou also appeared, showing that Dai Moumou was a teacher of the School of Fine Arts and Design of Xingtai College. The reporter found through the name of the author and the names associated with the news reports of the school, and found that there was a phenomenon of the same name as a number of doctoral names as a number of doctorates, but it was impossible to confirm the same person. In response to the doubts of netizens, the reporter has repeatedly called the departments of Xingtai College, and the staff said that they did not understand the relevant situation. Later, the reporter contacted the Xingtai Education Bureau based on the supervision telephone number of the selection list of Xingtai College. The staff said that the matter need to verify which department is responsible and then responded. As of press time, no relevant reply has been received.

Some people in the industry believe that whether it is Shaoyang College's public selection of teachers in this school, go abroad to study doctors and introduce it to teach, or to publicly select and hire the society for the society, but the finalists are questioned as the teacher. This type of introduction has become a public secret. In fact, there is no controversy for the selection of teachers to study abroad. The college also has the obligation to train teachers. Homes.

Reporter survey:

The industrial chain behind "Dr. Sucheng"

While Shaoyang College reprimanded Dr. Philippine, while leading to controversy, it also pushed the University of Philippines to push the University of Philippines to the forefront of public opinion. "Dr. Adamson's two -year speed" has caused netizens to question. Therefore, some people teased Ahson University as a "academic processing factory".

Xingtai College has also been questioned the same as Shaoyang College. More than half of the Korean doctoral PhDs selected by the school graduated from South Korea and Shi University, followed by this Korean university. A briefing of the enrollment programs of the official website of Shenyang Architecture University about South Korea and Shi Shi University of Shi and Shi Shi University spread on the Internet. According to the Jianzhang, the project system is 2.5 years. It is in the winter and summer vacations for 2 months each time. It takes Chinese and Korean bilingual lectures. There is no entrance examination and Korean language level. Doctoral degree certificate. This enrollment chapter was called "South Korea's Dr. Class" enrollment information by netizens, and the reporter's search found that such information exists on the form of advertising on major websites.

On July 23, the reporter contacted a study abroad agency in the name of consulting in South Korea, and learned that applying for some doctoral degrees of some doctoral degrees in South Korea and Shi University can graduate at the fastest, elastic academic system. The reporter consulted a number of intermediary companies to study in Korea that even if he applied for the same Korean university, the quotations of each intermediary company were different. According to a staff member, "We have an agreement with South Korean universities to meet the requirements of their enrollment, and we will negotiate with the school, so we will not collect service fees separately." However, some people in the industry said The cost is usually several times the official tuition. Under the premise of completing the school's professional courses, can it guarantee to graduate smoothly? Faced with the doubts of reporters, a consultant introduced, "The reason why many universities charge academic management fees, translation fees and project management fees is because these universities adopt small class bilingual lectures, and Bilingual doctoral doctors will Finding a good professor in advance will not be too strict for the dissertation. "The consultant told reporters that" universities with lower language requirements are generally easier to apply, and such schools are relatively average in local rankings, but the pass rate is very very popular, but the pass rate is very very very popular, but the pass rate is very very well. High. "The consultant said that the better the school, the higher the requirements, and the longer the academic system, because they do not lack the source of the source, and they will not reduce the school's entry and graduation requirements for money. The results of academic research.

Evaluation requirements:

Dr. Graduate Degree Teacher's Portransal Teacher

Is an important indicator

The reporter learned that the controversy about "Dr. Quick Cheng" was not from the incident of Shaoyang College. According to media reports, in 2019, many local undergraduate colleges in my country cooperate with South Korean universities to organize teachers to study in Korea, and they can take a doctoral one -semester course in 12 days. For a while, "Dr. Quick Cheng" and "Korean universities became academic processing factories" attracted attention. Subsequently, South Korea asked colleges and universities to strictly manage the degree system of the university, and the universities involved also stopped related projects. Now the "Dr. Sucheng" project is still recruiting students.

Faced with the public's doubts, why should domestic universities still introduce "Dr. Sucheng" in batches? A second -level college dean of Shaoyang College gave the answer in an interview with the media: "This is also a way, but it is indeed conducive to increasing the proportion of doctoral degrees in the teacher team. help."

New Yellow River reporters checked the information and found that in the development plan of Shaoyang College, it clarified its development goals in the next ten years. Degree granting unit. "And to complete these goals of Shaoyang College, the proportion of doctoral degree teachers in a doctoral degree is a very hard indicator.

According to the "Basic Conditions (2020)" issued by the Degree Committee of the State Council (2020), in addition to the basic conditions for the application of a master's degree applied for the application of a master's degree, No less than 25%. According to the "Interim Provisions on the Establishment of General Undergraduate Schools" promulgated by the Ministry of Education in 2006, the proportion of personnel with a graduate degree in the university's full -time teachers should generally reach more than 50%. The proportion should generally reach more than 20%. Therefore, Shaoyang College wants to be promoted to a master's degree -granting unit in 2023, and is renamed by the college as a university by 2030. It is the most important indicator of a full -time teacher with a doctoral degree.

The pictures come from the Internet

Source: Sun Min/New Yellow River Client

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