Chengdu Chenghua District: Continue to strengthen social face control space closed entertainment venues, etc.

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.07.25

The announcement of the prevention and control command of the new crown pneumonia in Chengdu Chenghua District on the Chengdu Chenghua District on continuous strengthening of social face control

According to the current needs of the epidemic prevention and control situation, in order to maximize the risk of epidemic dissemination and effectively protect the health and life safety of the general public, in accordance with the requirements of the "New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Prevention Plan (Ninth Edition)" The social epidemic prevention and control notice within the regional scope is as follows.

I. Strictly fulfill the "Quartet Responsibilities". The competent departments of various industries must implement the responsibility of the supervisor. All units must implement the main responsibilities, and individuals and families must consciously perform their obligations of prevention and control. The district's party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions, communities, outdoor attractions, transportation stations, farmers' markets, shopping mall supermarkets and other places strictly implement prevention and control measures such as body temperature detection, code scanning, wearing masks, ventilation and disinfection, and strictly implement health monitoring and Daily report system.

Second, the district bar, KTV, dense room escape, script killing, theater, Internet cafes, gyms, chess and card rooms, bath places, etc. The venue of cultural and sports activities is suspended.

3. Strict control of personnel gathering, no large -scale meetings, forums and other activities for the time being; various out -of -school training institutions have suspended offline training and suspended primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in school (garden) custody; , Welfare agencies and other closed management; catering units do not undertake banquet activities, encourage the provision of self -collection, takeaway ordering, and implement non -contact distribution services; party and government agencies, enterprises, and public institutions in the cafeteria implements the peak dining , Simple funeral, no banquets. "

Fourth, there are symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, diarrhea, and abnormal smell, and other symptoms should do a good job of personal protection and immediately go to the nearest pleading clinic; various medical institutions have strictly issued popular kidney management, and various clinics are prohibited from receiving consultations. Patients with fever, retail pharmacies strictly implement the "four types of medicines" management measures; clinics and pharmacies should actively guide the fever patients to go to the nearest clinic.

Fifth, advocate that it is not necessary to leave Rong, if the citizens who need to leave Rong must hold 48 hours of kernel acidic acid test negative proof. In the past 7 days, there are those who live (return) in the history of mid -to -high risk areas and the history of residents -related cities, and those who coincide with the trajectory of cases must actively report to the communities and units and hotels in the community as soon as possible. And epidemiological survey, cooperate with the implementation of prevention and control measures.

6. Persist in "three -piece epidemic prevention", wearing masks in the densely personnel indoor places, public transportation, and densely personnel open -air places to maintain social distances. Wash your hands frequently and ventilate.

This Tong announcement will be implemented from 17:00 on July 25, 2022. It is tentatively implemented for 5 days. It will be adjusted dynamically according to the progress of the epidemic and prevention and control of the epidemic.

Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and support for the general public.

Chengdu Chenghua District New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

July 25, 2022

Observation of Sichuan (source: Chenghua released)

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