Guangrao: Grand Gas Special Inspection Prevention Prevention of Unscured "Burning"

Author:Ai Guangrao Time:2022.06.15

In June this year, it is the 21st "Safety Production Month" in the country. In order to strengthen the management of gas safety production and effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of gas safety accidents, Guangrao County carried out a "double random" joint law enforcement inspection in Guangrao County to further increase safety production inspection inspections Strong, promote the implementation of the main responsibility of production safety.

During the inspection, the special rectification operations of the major investigation of gas safety production in urban areas, liquefied gas operating enterprises, and liquefied gas users were carried out to effectively maintain the safety of the lives and property of the people in the general public, and consolidated a safe and stable social situation. "Focus on checking whether the liquefied gas users use overdue, whether the hose is aging, and whether the three links are installed. For these problems, in response to these issues, we have established the corresponding ledger and urged users to carry out later rectification." Guangrao County, Guangrao County. Zhao Xigui, staff member of the Gas thermal Heat Office of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau.

Up to now, Guangrao County has inspected 110 gas companies and investigated 289 hidden dangers of various types; 155,700 gas users have been investigated, 1004 of various hidden dangers have been checked, all of which have been rectified, 13 administrative warns, 4 administrative warnings, 4 penalties, 4 penalties, 4 Home.

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