The first batch of 15 patients with heart disease from Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province came to Beijing for free surgery for treatment

Author:China Urban News Time:2022.07.25

At 2:30 pm on July 24th, flight CZ8992, which was taken off by Xining Caojiabao Airport from Xining, landed on time at Daxing International Airport on time. At the pick -up port, medical expert volunteers from the Children's Hospital Affiliated to the Institute of Capital Pediatrics, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Tsinghua University and the staff of the Beijing Tongxin Public Welfare Foundation of the Beijing Tongxin Public Welfare Foundation held the flowers and welcomed the first Fifteen patients and family members from the Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture from Qinghai Province came to Beijing for free surgery for treatment.

The children were warmly welcomed at the airport. Picture of Beijing Tongxin Communist Public Welfare Foundation

Patients who came to Beijing for free surgery for psychological diseases this time, the oldest 15 years old and the youngest 3 years old. They were part of the 92 patients from the capital's medical experts from the capital's medical experts from the capital in July last July during the launch of the "concentric heart · co -casting Chinese heart" large -scale public welfare project in July last year. The Communist Party Committee intends to organize the arrangement of these patients to go to Beijing for free surgery. The medical expenses and family living expenses are borne by the Beijing Tongxin Public Welfare Foundation.

The large -scale health public welfare project of "Tongxin · Casting Chinese Heart" has exceeded 32,000 in the 15 years since the establishment of the large -scale health public welfare project, involving nearly 500 medical institutions across the country and more than 20 professional disciplines. In addition, it also includes a group of caring companies and media work The travelers and social caring people have spread all over 20 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions across the country.

Reporter: Song Hao

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