"Top Ten Event for the National Cultural Center of 2021" was released on the first Beijing Cultural Forum

Author:Report Time:2022.07.25

In order to summarize the experience of the construction of the national cultural center in recent years, stimulate cultural innovation and creative vitality, Beijing Promote the Office of the National Cultural Center Construction Leading Group and the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee. , United Xinhua.com carried out the "National Cultural Center to Construction of Ten Top Ten Mastest events in 2021" selection activities. On July 25, the "Top Ten Masters of the National Cultural Center in 2021" was released at the first Beijing Cultural Forum.

1. The Centennial Literary Performance of the Party "The Great Journey" was held in the National Stadium


The century -old journey is thunderous, and the world will be opened in the past. On June 28, 2021, the large -scale epic "Great Journey" performed in the National Stadium, showing the magnificent picture of the Chinese Communist Party that has led the Chinese people's revolution, construction, and reform over the years. The party and state leaders watched with about 20,000 audiences. CCTV's total broadcast volume exceeded 100 million times, and the audience touched nearly 700 million people. The popularity of the entire network ranked first, which caused strong social resonance.

2. The Chinese Communist Party History Exhibition Hall and Beida Red Building have become new landmarks in the capital


History is endless, and the spirit is passed down from generation to generation. In 2021, the Chinese Communist Party History Museum reappeared in Beijing and the Red Tower of Peking University, becoming a new landmark in the capital. The systematic repair and improvement of Li Dazhao's former residence and the former site of the Beijing Pavilion, the old site of the Chinese Communist Party's early Beijing revolutionary activities, launched a series of exhibitions, promoted the spirit of the great party, continued red blood, and the party history learning and education deeply rooted in people's hearts.

3. New discovery of the Liulihe site for the new discovery of archeological discovery of the three thousand years of construction in Beijing


The Liulihe site is located in Fangshan District, Beijing. In 2021, as the "Hundred Years of Archeological Discovery" in China, the archeology of the Liuli River site, known as the "source of Beijing City" was obtained. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the testimonies of sealing and ritual systems were given to the Beijing Answer for archaeological, Chinese style, and Chinese style archeology, and also provided the earliest evidence of cultural relics for the three thousand years of construction in Beijing.

4. Beijing mid -axis appliance protection sail into the "fast lane"


In the middle of the Beijing axis, from the bell and drum tower in the north, and the south to Yongding Gate, the total length is 7.8 kilometers. It is the longest historical central axis in the world, with rich historical and cultural heritage. In 2021, Beijing launched more than 100 cultural relics repair projects to revive the ridges of the ancient capital. Complete the repair of the Bells and Drum Tower and Zhengyang Gate Arrow Tower.

5. The first China Internet Civilization Conference was held in Beijing


On November 19, 2021, the first China Network Civilization Conference was held in Beijing. The theme of the conference with the theme of "Gathering the Force and Building a Network Civilization together", and build a network civilization concept, an experience exchange platform, results display platform, and international network civilization mutual learning platform to create a clear and healthy network space, which has caused netizens Strong resonance.

6. Beijing Universal Studios Theme Park Shanda Kai Park


In September 2021, China's first, largest and most rich content of Beijing Universal Studios Theme Park. On the day of opening the park, the ticket was sold out for 1 minute, and the reservation volume of tickets to Beijing increased by more than 200%month -on -month. In 2021, a total of 2.1 million tourists received and revenue exceeded 1.6 billion yuan. Global Studios injects more international, modern, fashionable elements to Beijing, and create a new highland for international cultural tourism with Chinese characteristics.

7, 8K ultra -high -definition TV channel broadcast


On February 1, 2021, the 8K ultra -high -definition television channel test of the Central Radio and Television was launched, marking the world's first 8K ultra -high -definition TV live broadcast and 8K TV broadcast. On December 31st, the first TV channel to provide 8K services in the country -Beijing Radio and Television Winter Odao Documentary 8K ultra -high -definition test channel officially launched, which builds a new format of "5G+8K" ultra -high -definition industrial system and audiovisual consumption format to promote broadcasting broadcasting The high -quality development of TV is of great significance.

8. "Awakening Age" and "Changjin Lake" and other major revolutionary historical themes of literary and artistic works wonderful presentation


A century ago, the revolutionary pioneer awakened the people; a hundred years later, literary workers played patriotic praise. In 2021, a group of literary and artistic works celebrating the topics of the party became popular. "Awakening", "Decisive Battle", "Changjin Lake", "Night of Xiangshan", "Li Dazhao" and other fine masterpieces to interpret the party history and inspire the people's patriotic enthusiasm.

9. New vitality in Beijing's new format burst out


In 2021, the new format of the digital economy released new vitality and became the core force of driving the development of the cultural industry. The revenue of the cultural industry above the designated size of Beijing was 1.76 trillion yuan, an increase of 17.5%year -on -year. The number of unicorn cultural enterprises settled in Beijing ranks first in the country. Langyuan, Shougang, Longfu Temple and other urban cultural landmarks have quietly emerged, becoming a new hotspot and cultural consumption of high -quality development in the capital.

10. The construction of "Shuxiang Jingcheng" promotes the reading of the whole people


The city is inseparable from the nourishment of Shuxiang. In 2021, Beijing vigorously strengthened the construction of "Shuxiang Jingcheng". There were more than 2,000 physical bookstores in the city, and 10,000 people had 0.93 physical bookstores, ranking first in the country. Residents' comprehensive reading leads the country, holds more than 30,000 reading activities, covering 20 million people, and reading has become a beautiful landscape of the capital.

Author: this newspaper reporter Peng Dan in Beijing

Picture: Screenshot from the official promotional video

Edit: Lu Zhengming

Editor in charge: Jiang Shengxin

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