Persist in the prevention and control of the epidemic and daily work "two hands and two hands", Baoshan is not loose here →

Author:Shanghai Baoshan Time:2022.06.15

In order to continuously consolidate the major phases of the epidemic prevention and control, to restore the normal production and living order in order, and create a clean, clean and safe urban environment. Recently, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of Yuepu Town, Baoshan District has jointly carried out epidemic prevention protection and the city capacity environment. Rectification.

In the street shops that are lined up with citizens, the law enforcement teams strictly implement the on -site guarantee work, reminding citizens to maintain a safe social distance, queue in an orderly manner, and scan the "place code" to enter the place to shop.

During the vegetable farm and other areas such as stalls, the law enforcement team and the Urban Construction Center continuously carried out rectification, banned the stalls in accordance with the law, and inspected whether the stall owners participated in nucleic acid testing, eliminating the hidden dangers of personnel infectious infection, maintenance, and maintenance The roads are smooth, and the environment is carried out on the aftermath of the post -banned area, and the neat and clean appearance of the city is restored.

For the construction site and catering shops, the law enforcement team conducts a "double random one open" inspection as required, and requires the parties to urge merchants to take the initiative to participate in nucleic acid screening while implementing the relevant industry regulations. Do not miss one person; the law enforcement team also assists the market and police stations to conduct special inspections on the beauty and beauty distribution industry, requiring employees to participate in nucleic acid testing in accordance with the prescribed frequency.

In the next step, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of Yuepu Town will continue to tight the string of thoughts and not relax, insisting that the epidemic prevention and control and daily work are "grasped with both hands and mistakes."

Source: Shanghai Baoshan official WeChat

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