The film market is heating, buying tickets online or becoming "source of living water"

Author:China Foreign Trade Magazine Time:2022.07.26

Text / Reporter Liu Xinwei

Recently, the Cat Eye Research Institute released the "Data Inspection of the Chinese Film Market in March 2022 to May 2022 to May." Data show that starting in mid -March, the Chinese film market is affected by the epidemic, which has adopted another severe challenge since the Spring Festival in 2020. However, since May, the holiday files have shown a significant rebound trend and have become a good inflection point in the market.

From the results of the "Viewing Wishes and Selection of the Investigation in April 2022", most consumers also look forward to returning to the theater. As the summer stall is approaching, the large number of new films have returned one after another. Especially "Jurassic World 3", which was released on June 10, is expected to become a turning point in the film market. According to the real -time data of Cat Eye Professional Edition, at 20:17 on June 10, the total box office of the Mainland film market exceeded 100 million yuan. This is a 103 -day Chinese film market once again ushered in a single -day box office breaking 100 million. As of June 11, the total number of business theaters nationwide reached 9,957, with 82.26%of the cinema. The total number of tickets nationwide on that day was 4.482 million, which has been restored to 106%in the same period last year.

The fare is high, the box office is reduced

With the improvement of people's living standards, walking into the cinema during the holidays to watch a "explosive" movie has become the daily life of the public. Coupled with the rapid development of the Internet, online movie ticketing platforms are increasing. Taking the "Eleventh Golden Week" in 2021 as an example, the total box office of China reached a maximum value of 750 million yuan, an increase of 273.4%year -on -year. The development of the film industry has laid the foundation for the online movie ticketing industry.

Looking back at the Spring Festival in 2022, "the most expensive in history" is true. According to the "Data Insightment of the 2022 Spring Festival file" (hereinafter referred to as "Insight") released by the online movie ticketing platform, the national average fare on the first day of the New Year's Day in 2022 was 58.7 yuan, which was a total of 40.3 yuan in 2021. The fare increased by 45.6%.

The fare is high, but the box office is mediocre. "Inspecture" shows that the Spring Festival in 2022 (January 31st to February 6), the box office of the national cinema in the country ranked second in the history of the film, and closed at 6.035 billion yuan. Compared with 7.842 billion yuan in 2021, it fell 23%, and the cumulative number of movie viewers was nearly 29%from the decline in 2021.

"Unprecedented high fares may be the main cause of the number of movie viewers and box office results compared to the" double drop 'in 2021, but this also reflects the difficult choices and helplessness of the film market. "" Inspection "said.

The film industry expects that major festivals are no longer a day or two. Undoubtedly, the festive file is the "golden period" of boosting the box office income of the theater throughout the year. "Inspecture" shows that in 2021, the box office contribution rate of the festival is nearly 70 %. Especially in the golden period of watching the movie such as the Spring Festival, even if the quality of the film is not superior, it has a good card lineup and a certain gimmick, and the box office income is acceptable. For example, Douban's "Four Seas" with a score of only 5.5 points, with the blessing of Han Han and a well -known actor, also won 540 million yuan in the box office shortly after it was released.

Since the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia, the film industry has been greatly impacted. In 2020, the box office of Chinese films decreased by 68.2%year -on -year. Although the total box office of the film in 2021 reached 47.26 billion yuan, an increase of 131.4%year -on -year, bringing a little dawn to the film industry in the cold winter. However, the repeat of the epidemic in 2022 seemed to make this bouquet dim, so the industry hopes to make up for the loss through the Spring Festival file. However, the price increase is also a double -edged sword. While increasing the unit price of movie tickets, it also blocked the enthusiasm of the audience's viewing and giving the growth of other entertainment industry growth.

At present, the strong opponent of the film industry, in addition to the epidemic, also has various new trendy entertainment activities. Today, with the diversification of consumption upgrades and diversified entertainment methods, consumers are not only the choice of watching movies during the holidays. Couple dating and friends can also meet in the secret room, e -sports hotels, script killing, theme cafes, small tavern, etc. Other entertainment venues. If the price increases every festival, how many viewers will enter the cinema in the holiday file in the future.

"Although in the short term, the movie will continue to occupy a place in various entertainment methods with its difficult audiovisual experience. Point out.

Buying movie tickets online has become a common behavior

With the state's relevant policies of the film industry, system reform and innovation, the Chinese film industry has entered a stage of rapid development.

In March 2017, the first law of the "Film Industry Promotion Law" of the cultural industry was officially implemented, marking the state of the country's emphasis on and support for the film industry unprecedentedly.

In March 2018, the reform plan of the State Council's institutions was released, announcing that the "State Press, Publication, Radio and Television Administration" was divided into three independent departments, namely the State Administration of Radio and Television, the National Press and Publication Agency (National Copyright Administration), and the State Film Bureau. After the reform, the two original authorities of the film bureau were collected by the two original departments, "

In December 2018, the State Council issued two new policies for the development of cultural enterprises in the "Provisions of the Transferred by Business Cultural Institutions into Enterprises in the Reform of the Cultural System" and "Regulations on Further Supporting the Development of Cultural Enterprises", which once again reached a helping hand in the film and television industry. Among them, in terms of fiscal and taxation policies, it provides a number of VAT for the film industry; in terms of investment and financing, it proposes to encourage and guide social capital to participate in the cultural industry in various ways, allow private capital to control state -owned film and television production institutions to from taxes, from taxation The two channels of burden reduction and relaxation of the capital channel promote the development of the film and television industry. In November 2021, the Film Bureau released the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Chinese Film Development Plan ", anchoring the goal of building a cultural power in 2035, unswervingly followed the road of high quality development, further improving the quality of domestic film creation, and improving the film industry system. Strengthen the strength of film technology, improve the level of public services in film, expand the international influence of the film, and help the construction of film power.

The continuously released policy dividend has promoted the development of the Chinese film industry and also provided a good environment for the online film ticket industry. At the same time, the number of Chinese netizens exceeds 1 billion, while mobile Internet users account for 99.6%. The rapid development of the number of Internet access and 5G has further promoted the expansion of the size of online movie ticket purchase users.

According to the "Research Report of China's Online Film Ticketing Market and Consumption Behavior" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") released by Ai Media Consultation, more than 90%of Chinese netizens have used online movies to buy tickets, and only 1.6%of netizens said they did Buy and not plan to buy. Among them, more than 50 % of netizens will buy 1-2 movie tickets online within 1 month.

New demand for film industry needs to change

At present, online movie ticketing platforms are increasing, industry competition is gradually fierce, and the layout of the entire industry chain has become the development direction of major platforms. To build the layout of the entire industrial chain, it is not only limited to the online ticket business, but also needs to be integrated into the production, distribution and publicity of movies, and re -shaping the business model of the film industry.

The "Report" pointed out that with a huge user traffic as the foundation, the online ticket purchase platform can try to convert this unsightly public domain traffic into more loyal, high -quality and preferred private domain traffic. The peripheral products and services that meet their needs, and even make film production and publicity according to the preferences of the audience to achieve sustainable profits. For the film industry, private domain traffic means that traffic operators can greatly shorten the distance with the user group and truly understand market demand in depth.

"Strengthening the layout of the entire industry chain, creating platform differences, and pioneering the profit point of online film ticketing platforms is not only the key to the development of the online film ticket purchase industry, but also helps the film industry to increase profitability." Report said.

About 90 % of Chinese film revenue came from the box office and advertising implantation. It can be seen that the industry has a large dependence on the box office and advertising, and the online ticketing platform can develop the derivative market accordingly. At present, the bundle of movie tickets and snacks is the most common sales model. In addition, the online ticket purchase payment stage can also achieve derivatives promotion. For example, before and after the payment phase, advertise for derivatives, and achieve promotions through preferential bundles. The realization of derivative bundle sales is also a direction for online movie ticketing platforms to realize the layout of the entire industrial chain.

In recent years, while the number of cinemas, the box office of the movie, and the number of movie viewers have increased, the theater's seat rate has shown polarization due to factors such as film types, publicity, and time periods. Under the inspiration of the emerging business concepts of private domain traffic, IP value, and big data, the emergence of the online movie ticketing platform is conducive to integrating consumer ticket purchase information and formulating scientific personalized marketing. The "Report" recommends that offline theaters can make the film's release date, publicity investment, and vurate according to online data, which can maximize the box office, not to maximize the box office, instead of "choosing a good day" and "eating by the sky".

At the same time, the box office has fallen sharply than in the past. Many places have been promoted to support measures to escort the film market steadily. Changsha gave 6 months of subsidies to the theaters affected by the epidemic; Wenzhou issued 4.724 million yuan to the cinema of the urban cinema; Jiangsu gave 28 million yuan in the province's 1012 cinemas in the province; The qualified arrangement of 28.83 million yuan to conduct inclusive funding for qualified cinemas in the province. The funding target of this special funding is to show 67%in the total time of domestic films. The province is funded by 60%of the domestic films to pay 60%of the domestic films in 2021.

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