From now on, all occupants who enter the tourism and accommodation industry in our city must provide 48 hours of kernel acidic acid detection negative syndrome

Author:Shanghai Yangpu Time:2022.07.26

The Office of the Leading Group of the Municipal New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Group released news: In view of the current characteristics of the city's epidemic prevention and control situation and the large number of personnel of the tourism accommodation industry, it is complicated, and the management requirements of the entrance and foothold are strictly implemented.Further strengthen the prevention and control of the city's tourism and accommodation industry. In terms of personnel management, employees of the tourism accommodation industry need to conduct 1 nucleic acid testing once a day; for all occupants who enter the tourist accommodation industry in our city (including check -in and staying),All 48 -hour kernel acid test negative proof is required.

Edit: Xi Yuxuan

Data: Published in Shanghai

*Reprinted, please indicate the official WeChat from Shanghai Yangpu

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