High performance team: shared 13 principles of fragile fragile

Author:Zhanlu CHEERS Time:2022.07.26

Danny Mayer, the founder of United Plaza Cafe, was hosting a morning meeting with his employees (about 20 people). The night before, he just gave his first TED speech. Therefore, the morning will start with everyone watching Miye's speech video.

After reading, Miye spoke. "Can you see my legs trembling?" He asked everyone, "I am very nervous, and my legs are shaking like a leaf. I have given many speeches, but the TED organizers have asked more. Deep and more thoughtful things. I just slept for 3 hours the night. This is why I have a particularly heavy eye bags. The rehearsal is bad, and my slides are always wrong. Of course, I am very lucky to get special. Help, "he paused, pointed at two employees with his fingers," Thanks to Qipu and Harry! They made the whole work progress smoothly. They wrote good content, gave good suggestions, and helped me pass the difficulty. ","

Everyone watched Qipu and Harry and reported warm applause. Miye passed the fragile signal steadily and calmly: "I'm scared." This emphasizes a deeper information: "It is safe to tell the truth here." His fragility is not weak, but his power.

Cultivate the fragile habits of sharing teams is like exercising muscles. It takes time and needs to be repeatedly practiced. It is willing to bear pain in order to achieve income. So, how to cultivate this habit of sharing?

In the book "Extreme success", we shared the principles of 13 individuals and teams::

1. Ensure that the leader is the first to show his fragility, and often show his fragility

As we have seen, the team cooperation is created by a tiny, often repeated fragile moments. At these moments, the most powerful moment when the leader released the fragile signal. As Dave Cooper said, "I messed up" is the most important sentence that any leader can say.

2. Try to pass your expectations to the greatest possibility

No one assumes that cooperation will happen naturally. On the contrary, the successful team will clearly and persistently pass on a large and clear signal to establish expectations and cooperation to maximize the help of behavior.

Ideo is a good example, the company's chief executive officer Tim Brown kept talking about the expectations of cooperation. He always repeats his creed:

The more complicated the problem, the more help you need to solve it.

3. Pass the negative message face -to -face

If you have negative messages or feedback to tell someone, even if you reject a small thing on a reimbursement form, you must pass the message face to face.

This rule is not easy to obey (for the poster and the receiver, it is more comfortable to use electronic means), but it is very effective, because it dealt with tension in a frank and honest way, avoiding misunderstandings, and avoiding misunderstandings. Create and share transparency and connection.

4. Follow the two critical moments in the team formation process

Professor Jeff Bolze, who studies the behavior of the business school of Harvard University, believes that the cooperation standards of any team can be traced back to two key moments of the early team:

脆 The first sharing of fragility.

◉ For the first time, there were differences.

These hours are entrances to two possible team paths: Do we want to show strong or to explore together? Do we want to win interaction or learn together? "At those moments, people either became defensive and began to justify themselves, causing a lot of tension. Either say," Hey, this is interesting. Why don't you agree? I may be wrong, I may be wrong, I may be wrong, I may be wrong, I may be wrong, I may be wrong, But I am curious and want to talk about more '. At that time, what happened at that time set a mode that happened in the subsequent. "

5. The listener is not a passive spring, but a trampoline

Good listening is not just focusing on the point, but to increase insight and create a moment of common discovery.

Jack Zeng Ge and Joseph Holgman run a leadership consulting company. They analyzed 3494 participants of a managers' development project and found that the most effective listeners would do 4 things.

The way they interact made another person feel safe and supported.

They take a position to help and cooperate.

Some of the questions they asked occasionally challenged the old assumptions constructive.

They occasionally make suggestions to open up other paths.

6. In communication, resist the temptation of increasing value

The most important part of creating vulnerability is often not what you say, but that you don't say anything.

This means that there must be a willpower that gives up easy opportunities to provide solutions and give suggestions. Skilled listeners will not interrupt others. "Hey, I have an idea", or "Let me tell you what is useful to me in similar circumstances", because they know that this is not about them. They will use a series of gestures and phrases to keep another person talking.

7. Use practice based on frankness, such as reviewing after action, think tanks, red teams

Although the review was originally built for the military environment after the operation, this tool can also be applied to other fields.

After the operation, the think tank, the red team, and the Red Team, they all contributed to the same potential action: cultivate the habit of sharing and sharing, so that the team can better understand what is feasible, not feasible, and how to do better.

8. Focus on frank and avoid cruel honesty

Honesty feedback is tricky because it can easily cause people to feel injured or morale damage. One of Pixar's useful uniqueness is to focus but avoid cruel honesty. Focusing on smaller, more targeted, not targeting individuals, less subjective, and also effective frank feedback, it is easier to maintain a sense of security and belonging in the team.

9. Hug the feeling of uncomfortable

The most difficult thing about cultivating and sharing fragile habits is that it requires a team to endure two discomfort: emotional pain and inefficiency. After the action, or the think tank or the think tank is to combine the repeated excavation of what has happened (should we not move forward?) It is combined with the embarrassment of facing the unpleasant truth.

However, just like fitness activities, the key is to understand pain is not a problem, but to build a more powerful team.

10. Maintain the consistency of language and action

Many high -cooperative teams use language to strengthen their mutual dependence. For example, the naval pilots returning to the aircraft carrier are not "landing" but "recovered"; IDEO does not have "project managers", but "design community leaders"; Pixar team does not provide "annotations to the early version of the movie to provide" comments "Instead, they" upgrade "them by providing problem solutions.

These seemingly small semantic differences are important, because they continue to emphasize the nature of work cooperation and the nature of mutual connection, and strengthen the team's sharing.

11. Separate performance review from career development

Although it seems naturally to put these two conversations together, it is more effective to separate performance review and career development.

Performance evaluation is often a high -risk, inevitable judgment interaction, and usually causes the consequences of wages. Professional development is mainly to determine its own advantages and provide support and opportunities for growth. The connection between them will make things messy together.

Related to this is that many teams have shifted from evaluating employees to a coaching mode. In this mode, employees can frequently get feedback, which provides them with a image of performance and enhancement path.

12. Use "flash guidance"

This is like a traditional mentor, you choose a person you want to learn and follow him. It's just that this follower lasted only a few hours instead of several months or years. These short -term interactions help break the barriers inside the team, build relationships, enhance their awareness, and promote help.

13. Let leaders disappear at critical moments

Some leaders of the successful team have a habit of letting go of the team at a critical moment.

The New Zealand All -Black Team has developed a habit: the team members organize several training every week, and the coaches have almost no guidance. Dave Cooper pointed out that he said that he had the best performance of the SEALs under his hands:

"The best team is often those teams I have not participated in it, especially during training. They will not rely on me at all. They are better than me to figure out what they need to do."

In the book "Extreme success", the author revealed the three strong signals to create a high -performance and high cohesion team, and provided actions for creating a strong innovation ability and problem solving ability to create a super strong innovation ability and problem solving ability. route map.

There are many latest practices that can be used in the book. For example, to transmit fragile signals, construct a fragile ring, and increase the cooperation of participants by 50%. The author uses the method in the book to guide a student team to participate in the composition competition. The students have made breakthrough progress, proved that this method can not only be used immediately, but also suitable for various types of teams. Cohesion and combat effectiveness.

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