In the name of youth, the power to help epidemic prevention!

Author:Shanghai Baoshan Time:2022.07.26

Recently, in the front -line post -line prevention positions in Luojing Town, Baoshan District, young faces have appeared. In order to alleviate the pressure of first -line epidemic prevention work in the community and enrich the epidemic prevention force, the Luojing Town Youth League Committee responded to the call of the Youth League District Committee and gathered 17 volunteers from the township regions. As the "post -00s", they took the initiative to ask the community to prevent epidemic prevention, rush to keep their posts in high temperature and heat, and overcomes one difficulties after another.

In Baohong Home District, college student volunteers actively participate in volunteer services. Before the start of nucleic acid testing, they assisted in setting up on -site tables and chairs to set up disinfection tools to check whether reagents and protective supplies were complete. During the sampling of nucleic acids, under the guidance of the staff, they soon "started" to become the "powerful assistant" of sampling staff. At the same time, they are also responsible for helping to convey the news of the community in the residential group, allowing residents to receive notifications in time, and cooperate with the community to complete the nucleic acid testing.

In the Sea Yujingyuan Community, a medical examination college student actively responded to the call of the group organization, actively registered the volunteer services to participate in the residential community, and learned sampling and code scanning. On the day after obtaining a nucleic acid sampling certificate, he invested in the screening of nucleic acid in the community. He said: "During the volunteer service, I love and cherish this difficult practice opportunity, which really benefits me."

Three college students in Baoyue Jiayuan Community actively responded to the call to support the prevention and control of the community epidemic. During the nucleic acid sieve, not only did they participate in scanning, medical assistance, and maintenance of order. One of the college students actively obtained a nucleic acid sampling certificate to perform nucleic acid sampling work for residents. Wearing a protective clothing for more than two hours in high temperature weather, her hard work and residents of the neighborhood committee looked in.

In Luo Ningyuan Community, two college student volunteers actively signed up for volunteer services to assist the community to conduct full -work nucleic acid testing. They took the initiative to assist medical staff to sample the nucleic acid for the elderly who were inconvenient to move and received unanimous praise from the residents. At the nucleic acid detection point, they assisted in maintaining order, scanning the code, and patiently answering various questions of residents. They used actual actions to pass on love and positive energy, carefully fulfill their job duties, and inject a "fresh blood" into the community's volunteer service forces, showing the style and responsibility of young volunteers.

Fighting the epidemic, "epidemic" cannot be resigned. The epidemic rolls come again, and we face severe challenges again. The community is the last line of defense and control of the epidemic prevention and control, and the key to implementing joint prevention and control, group prevention and group control. As a college student, as a member of the Communist Youth League, he must also participate in the epidemic prevention and control operation that is not waiting for the spirit and the must -have action. The volunteers of these college students are both dedications and beneficiaries. Through the work of epidemic prevention, they exercised their thinking, tempered their will, and made themselves more capable of creating the value of life, thereby returning to society.

Source: Shanghai Baoshan official WeChat

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