Investment of 73 million yuan in Shigatse City Academy of Youth Academy of Youth Sciences

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.07.26

The picture is provided by the Education Bureau of Sangzhuzi District

This website (Reporter Second Ji) Recently, the ninth batch of Tibetan aid groups in Qingdao invested 73 million yuan to build the first youth sciences, the Youth Academy of Youth Academy of Youth Sciences, which was officially unveiled. This is Tibet's first comprehensive literacy education as the main content The Youth Academy of Sciences is the largest aid project in the history of Qingdao aid in Tibet. It is also an effective practical exploration of the Qingdao aid group in centralized resources to promote quality education and implementing compulsory education in the city.

The Youth Academy of Youth Sciences of Shigatse covers an area of ​​29735.12 square meters and a construction area of ​​12683.07 square meters. It started in June 2021. The campus is divided into teaching areas and living areas. The districts are connected. The buildings are connected and integrated. They can accommodate 600 students at the same time. The Academy of Sciences simultaneously built the first juvenile military academy in Tibet, the first black -necked crane protection hall, and the first Shigatse Youth Academy of Sciences.

"This is a comprehensive quality education center integrating the teaching content of science and technology, national defense, research, ideological and political, labor, and labor in the first institutions of Shigatse and even the region. Students will conduct two major courses: natural science and social sciences here, "said the relevant person in charge of the Education Bureau of Sangzuzi District of Shigatse.

The Ocean Science Pavilion of the Youth Academy of Youth Academy of Youth Academy of Youth Sciences was co -built by the ninth batch of Tibetan groups in Qingdao and the Education Bureau of Sangzhuzi District. The remaining parts, as well as custom interactive interactive popular science instruments such as marine pastures, sea tornadoes, and machine fish. The Black -necked Crane Protection Hall is located on the east side of the Academy of Youth Sciences. The superiority of the plateau ecology and biodiversity are introduced. Interactive areas built with black neck crane eggs as the prototype, and use sound and photoelectric technology to organically integrate knowledge and fun.

The person in charge stated that with the centers of the Youth Academy of Youth Sciences of the Shigatse, coupled with the juvenile military academy, the black -necked crane protection hall, and the marine science popularization hall in the school, the first Tibet first green museum, the first county -level rural revitalization college, the photovoltaic industrial park, the modernity Agricultural greenhouses, breeding bases, Shigato Peace Airport, etc., Sangzuzi District and Qingdao aid group will create a complete functional youth education and research base.

"The development of modern economy requires more scientific and technological innovation practical talents, especially Tibet's industrial development needs to be compatible with various types of talents. The development of education is to be compatible with the needs of society. A effective exploration in the innovative quality education model. Concentrate high -quality resources, integrate the curriculum system, comprehensively implement quality education, cultivate socialist builders and successors who have developed comprehensive development of morality . "The person in charge said.

Source: China Tibet News Network -Tibet Business Daily

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