[Learn and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress] Guazhou: Let the retired soldiers contribute in the revitalization of the countryside

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.06.15

In recent years, the vast number of retired soldiers in Guzhou have actively participated in various work at the grassroots level, using the special role of retired soldiers to stimulate the "development advantage" of retired soldiers, and allow retired soldiers to build their careers and contribute to the big stage of grass -roots development and construction.

Vigorously cultivate the "soldiers" of "one shoulder"

With the implementation of the "one -shoulder" work of the village branch, in order to give play to the role of the bridge between the village committees and the villagers, Guizhou County insists on the selection of the options, strong quality, and vigorously implement the "military branch, war member" Cultivate the work, guide 34 soldiers and members of the soldiers to actively play their own unique advantages, stand in the flag and take the initiative to become the "leader" of the development of the village group to escort rural development. 864 retired soldiers' party members took the lead in "listening to the party, feeling grace, followed by the party", in -depth implementation of the "party member entrepreneurship and rich people" project, actively leading the masses around them to develop honeydew planting, beef beef breeding and other industries, and took the lead in implementing grass -roots party organizations The rules and regulations have continuously enhanced the leadership organization of grass -roots party organizations and creating cohesive combat effectiveness.

Inspiration and cultivation of "Bingtai" who can get rich "

Adhere to the use of native talents as the starting point, focus on the "ten thousand villages and thousands of households" demonstration creation activities, establish a "retired soldiers talent pool", carry out "retired soldiers party members+retired soldiers and capable people" ladder training work, and further return to home for home hometown Retired soldiers have established a broad entrepreneurial platform to attract 32 successful retired soldiers to return home to develop. A total of 23 people and wealthy soldiers are cultivated and wealthy. Experience and other projects will play a role in the development and expansion of the collective economy and cooperation economy of the village and the economy of the villagers.

Selecting tree with strong "good mediation" "team leader"

In order to achieve the work goal of "conflict and dispute resolution at the grassroots level, conflict and dispute mediation", Guizhou County actively studied and promoted the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, set up 37 "veterans mediation rooms" in the county, and implemented the "veteran mediation work. "Law", using the advantages of veterans, 74 retired veterans actively participated in the mediation of daily contradictions and disputes, and the mediation rate reached 100%, allowing various contradictions to be treated at the source. Using the advantages of retired soldiers familiar with the village and civil conditions, encouraging retired soldiers who are willing and mediated to actively participate in rural governance work, and use the grid governance system established by the grass -roots government. Members, through participation in daily grid work to help grassroots governance co -construction and sharing, and show the value of retired soldiers in ordinary posts.

Encourage the "enthusiastic" "soldier volunteer"

Guzhou County has successively established 16 retired soldiers comprehensive service teams and 5 professional service teams to allow volunteers to take root in the grassroots and serve the society. 433 retired soldiers volunteers carried out normalized volunteer services in poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, epidemic prevention and control, grassroots social governance, and economic and social construction. By carrying out the "six -entry" dual support of "entering the community and entering the school", the "six -entry" dual support creates volunteer services and promptly publicize the relevant laws of national laws, regulations, and retired soldiers. Adopting the "two -way service" mechanism, using daily visits and "August 1st" and other key visits to condolences to condolences, dual -supported cooperative units and retired soldiers volunteers normalize 52 solitary and disabled retired soldiers to carry out pairing assistance Volunteer activities have formed the volunteer service forces of retired soldiers who are "participating in multi -parties+multi -party co -construction".

(Ding Haibo)

Editor in charge: Gao Yun

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