Ministry of Civil Affairs: As of the end of June, a total of 4.802 million people have been implemented in the country

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.07.26

The reporter learned from the routine conference held by the Ministry of Civil Affairs today (July 26) that since this year, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will deploy a disposable living subsidy for minimum living allowances and special puzzle personnel to fully carry out the two items of downturn, and comprehensively carry out two comprehensive disabled people. The subsidy "full -process online office", timely launch the linkage mechanism for social assistance and guarantee standards and price increases, and increase temporary rescue efforts of difficult people such as unrefined unemployed people.

As of the end of June, a total of 4.802 million temporary assistance in the country had been implemented, with a total of 4.52 billion yuan in expenditure funds; 1.479 million people were implemented for the people of the people in the trapped of the epidemic, with a cumulative expenditure of 480 million yuan; the temporary assistance of the non -participants of the unemployed was 1.9. 10,000 people, with a cumulative expenditure of 19.25 million yuan. In conjunction with the Ministry of Finance amended the management measures for rescue subsidy funds for the central financial difficulties, and strengthened direct funding and process supervision. Strengthen the comparison with the dynamic monitoring data of the rural revitalization department, and timely incorporate the eligible poverty -stricken people into the scope of rescue. So far, a total of more than 62 million low -income population is included in the scope of dynamic monitoring and early warning. As of the end of May, a total of 40.78 million urban and rural minimum insurance targets across the country, and the urban and rural minimum insurance standards reached 722 yuan and 542 yuan per person per month, a year -on -year increase of 5.5%and 7.6%, respectively.

As of July 21, a total of 5757 subsidies for the "full online office" of the two disabled people across the country were approved and passed 494 cases. Accelerate the development of the rehabilitation service of psychiatric disturbances, strengthen service guarantee for patients with special difficulties, and cooperate with the National Development and Reform Commission to issue a funding for the bottom line of Social Service Facilities of 315 million yuan in 2022, and support 15 mental health and welfare institutions to build and expand and expand.

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