The scheme is clear!Jinpu New District launched a teacher exchange rotation

Author:Peninsula Morning Post Time:2022.07.26

July 25

The Education and Cultural Tourism Bureau of Jinpu New District was held

2022 Compulsory Education School Teachers Exchange Rotation

Working meeting

It marks the official launch of this work in the whole area

Related work will be implemented step by step in the summer

Teacher exchange rotation work is an effective means to further promote the implementation of the "dual reduction" policy. It is a booster to actively build a good educational ecosystem, which has attracted much attention. The work of teachers in the Jinpu New District has been implemented simultaneously with Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places in China, and strives to eventually land in the fall of 2022. The effective flow of teachers will strongly promote the balanced development of education in the new district and promote the healthy growth of students in the new district.

Jinpu New District

Compulsory education school teacher exchange rotation work

Soliciting a large number of grassroots principals and teachers' opinions

After nearly a month of repeated brewing and careful preparation

Finally formed

Pay attention to humanities, focus on balanced, and look at long -term implementation plans

Focus on humanities

This exchange rotation divides three districts in the new area: the Jinzhou area, the development zone area and the agricultural area. Teachers communicate in the area without having to bear the changes in long -distance work places, and will not cause trouble for teachers' daily lives. At the same time, the exchange rotation provides a new exercise platform for the personal professional development and title evaluation of teachers.

Long -lasting

The plan stipulates that teachers who have worked in the same school for nine years need to complete the exchange from 2022 to 2026. 2194 teachers who meet the conditions of communication in the region will be paired year by year in accordance with a certain percentage of each year, and the exchanges tasks are completed in 5 years, and the implementation of step by step is to be implemented.

After 2027, a long -term and long -lasting teacher exchange mechanism will be established to form a normalization of teachers. The long -term planning considerations, while achieving the real "movement" of teachers, also protect the stability of the school's own development, bringing a wealth of imagination for the school's healthy development in the future.

Focus on a balanced

The plan has established a high -quality (general) school and weak school counterpart communication system. Encourage teachers with rich teaching experience and strong career in urban schools to teach in weak schools, give full play to the role of exemplary leadership, guide weak schools to carry out education and teaching research; encourage teachers with advanced work and high business quality in weak schools. Education and teaching experience has opened up the "visible fast track" for the balanced development of education.

Source: Jinpu New District Education and Cultural Tourism Bureau

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