Summer public security cracking down on the "100 -day action" | Yinchuan Public Security played sharply, and be a "night guard"

Author:Ping An Yinchuan Time:2022.07.26

为纵深推进夏季治安打击整治“百日行动”,银川市公安机关严格按照部厅党委部署要求,扎实开展全市夏夜治安巡查宣防集中统一行动,确保实现“四个一批、四个严防、 One to ensure the "work goal and strive to hold a safe and stable social security environment for the 20th National Congress of the Party.

The Party Committee of the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan City attaches great importance to the centralized and unified operation of the summer public security inspections, and uses it as an important grasp of the 20th National Congress of security and stability. Formulate the city's overall plan, refine the five key tasks of five aspects of key parts inspections, inspections of key places, and detailed parts of key parts. After the Summer Night Public Security Inspection of the Ministry of Public Security and the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region, after the mobilization and deployment meeting of the centralized unified operation of the concentrated unified action, the Municipal Public Security Bureau organized a renewal meeting as soon as possible to inspect the deployment of the actions of the centralized unified and unified operations, and coordinated the mixed group of police types. Science science, science science Set up a comprehensive investigation and inspection point to ensure the maximum results of the battle. After the start of the operation, members of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau went to the grassroots at the grassroots level to supervise and inspect the concentrated unified operations on the spot. Good situation.

During the operation, each action was made with a point, and according to the grid, the business district night market, entertainment venue, and the "pull net" inspection of the business district, entertainment venues, and the inspection card point, and strictly investigated the key elements and "yellow gambling poison", "stealing and robbing" , Drunk drunk driving and other prominent crimes. In particular, severe punishment for sensitive police sentiment such as provocative nourishment, gathering public fights, and resolutely investigating and punishing a group of illegal and illegal industries, and removing a number of blind spots of public security. From July 22nd to 24th, during the city's summer night public security inspection and defense centralized unified operation, Yinchuan Public Security organ invested a total of 2,862 police forces, dispatched 632 police cars, mobilized 646 people in group defense, and checked 1368 suspicious vehicles. 2688 suspicious people, 2106 inspections of entertainment service venues, 288 key parts of inspection, 264 hidden dangers of various types of safety, arrested 26 illegal persons involved in gambling, 27 violations of drunk driving, drunk driving, and drunk drunk driving. Check 11,158 vehicles and 1,4309 inspectors. Especially in the operation, one MLM dens were destroyed, 3 MLM organizers were captured, and more than 230,000 yuan was seized on the spot.

The public security organs of Yinchuan City adhere to the source prevention and control, pressurize the efforts to increase publicity, and promote the simultaneous publicity and defense of online and offline, set up 48 Ping An Cultural Propaganda Points in the densely personnel nights and other places, and issue publicity materials 4450 For more than 90 promotional videos and slogans, continue to increase anti -fraud, old -age anti -abduction, pension fraud, anti -crime and elimination, anti -drowning and other warnings and publicity. Further strengthen the source prevention and control. At the same time, in the propaganda, the masses were widely mobilized to actively participate in the actions, unblocking the reporting channels of illegal crimes, and comprehensively forming a strong momentum of "everyone shouting" against illegal crimes.

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