Promoting the healthy lifestyle of Shuder to make the wind of civilization blow into millions of households

Author:Chengju today Time:2022.07.26

In order to further promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture.Our county has carried out a variety of forms, a virtuous health lifestyle, and a volunteer service activity close to the people, and promoted the virtue of virtue and health lifestyle in the new era.

In the Ferris Wheel Plaza, 33 advocates and virtue health lifestyle brand projects from towns, agencies, enterprises, and social volunteers from all counties are displaying on -site display. Volunteers are facing the specific situation of brand projects facing the masses.

Chengde is moving, Runde is in the heart.Our county takes the "Promoting Tree Civilization and New Winds to Model Models" as the general starting point, and has selected 6,100 "virtue stars" and 30 "virtue collectives".Consciously transform into people's spiritual pursuit, daily life and behavior habits, and truly promote all aspects of the integration of virtuous health life into the people's lives.

Reporter Song Ao

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