Novice on the way, anti -drug first!Zhengzhou High -tech Carry out anti -drug propaganda into driving school

Author:Zhengzhou Anti -drug Associati Time:2022.07.26

The concept of "driving without drinking, drinking and not driving" has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts. Compared with drunk driving, there is a driving behavior that is more terrible, that is, "poisoning". In order to effectively curb the occurrence of accidents caused by poison driving, maintain road traffic safety and social safety and stability, eliminate the safety hazards brought by the "poison driving" from the source, go all out to build the Great Wall of the Great Wall of Venom, escort the environmental environment of safety traffic, in July On the 26th, under the guidance of the Zhengzhou Anti -Drug Office and the High -tech Zone Forbidden Drug Office, the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau High -tech Branch Anti -Drug Brigade and Shunhua Anti -Drug Society and Shi Buddha Office carried out the "cherish life, refuse to" drug driving '"at Zhengtong Driving School Special education activities for drug control.

During the process, the anti -drug social workers explained the types of drugs and drugs to driving school coaches and subjects by showing 32 anti -drug mission models, on -site interactive questions, and issuing anti -drug publicity pages. , Detailedly enumerated the typical cases of "poison driving" released by the Ministry of Public Security in recent years, showing the strong determination and attitude of the public security organs to adhere to the "zero tolerance" to "zero tolerance", so as to warn everyone to stay away from drugs and stay away from "poison driving", and stay away from "poisoning". Do not drug trafficking, drug trafficking must be caught.

Through this propaganda activity, the school stated that in order to consolidate the results of publicity activities, driving schools regularly invite anti -drug police to conduct anti -drug publicity and education on driving school students, strengthen anti -drug learning for coaches and students, and actively report to drug -related violations of laws. criminal activities.

The trainees have said that participating in this event have a lot of feelings. In the future, they will work hard to practice the promise of cherishing life, green non -toxic, and the warning education of common sense of traffic safety and "poisoning" accident cases. Qualified civilized traffic participants and nursingants. 【Ma Qiang Li Pin】

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