"Poisoning" zero tolerance anti -drug propaganda into driving school

Author:Zhengzhou Anti -drug Associati Time:2022.07.26

In recent years, poisoning has become a major "killer" that threatens public safety, bringing huge hidden dangers to public safety. In order to further improve the awareness of drug refusal and anti -drug anti -drugs in the jurisdiction, on the morning of July 26, with the strong support of the Zhengzhou Anti -Drug Office and the Jinshui District Political and Legal Committee, the police of the drug anti -drug brigade and Koh Jiu Anti -drug social workers successfully carried out the successful driving school in the Village community to " Cherish life and refuse to take drugs "as the theme anti -drug publicity and education activities.

At the event site, the police of the anti -drug brigade told the students of the University of China: The concept of "driving without drinking, drinking without driving" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but it is even more terrible than drunk driving, which is "poisoning". If the "drug driver" is just slow, it is very wrong. People who have occurred after taking drugs may have hallucinations, and the pedestrians or vehicles on the road may be used as trees, stones, and even devils on the way to driving the car. The consequences are that because of the obsessed with this fantasy, accidentally or even intentionally hitting other travers or pedestrians, causing serious consequences.

Subsequently, anti -drug social workers carried out anti -drug knowledge and answers, and explained in detail the common drugs and their hazards to further deepen the awareness and ability of driving school students' knowledge, anti -drug consciousness and ability. Your own safety awareness,

Anti -drug social workers also explained the "Regulations on Henan Anti -Drug Control of Henan Anti -Drugs" to students, recommending to the WeChat public account of "China Anti -drug", "Henan Anti -drug", and "Zhengzhou Anti -drug" to the surrounding citizens to learn more about drug control. At the same time, actively publicize Zhengzhou The QR code -related reports allow students to actively participate in the provision of clues to report drugs illegal crimes. The amount of rewards for this platform is as high as 300,000 yuan, and remind students to learn about the latest anti -drug information at any time.

During the activity, through the explanation of the police and social workers, let students understand the knowledge of the types of drugs, harm, and techniques of drug hazards in a timely manner. Students should abide by the law, stay away from drug driving, drive civilized driving, and travel safely, and call on everyone to actively join the team of anti -drug volunteers and actively participate in anti -drug propaganda. The police also warned the students through the case, the public security department severely hit the "poisoning", always adhered to the "zero tolerance", maintained a high pressure situation, and called on everyone to stay away from drugs and stay away from "poisoning".

A total of more than 100 propaganda materials were distributed in this event, more than 50 students and coaches were educated. The propaganda activities effectively improved students' awareness of drug control and road traffic safety. The environment has laid a good foundation. The event has achieved good publicity results, effectively raised the awareness of drug control of drivers and students, and greatly promoted the work of anti -drugs for the whole people. (Fang Pengfei)

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