100 -day online recruitment special operations to launch financial, e -sports games, logistics distribution, medical and health special recruitment

Author:Human Resources and Social Sec Time:2022.07.26

From July 25th to 31st, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has launched four special recruitment of financial, e -sports games, logistics distribution, and medical and health. A total of 10,000 households provide 140,000 positions.

The financial special session is hosted by the National Hiring Recruitment Platform and organizes 190 employers such as China Agricultural Development Bank, China Merchants Securities, and Anxin Securities to provide 6,400 positions, covering positions such as capital management, project investment, and data analysis.

E -sports games are hosted by hunting, and 51 companies such as the perfect world, Changtianxia, ​​and Palm Tech provide 5,281 positions, covering the game test engineers, visual engineers, and original painters.

Logistics distribution is hosted by hungry, and the logistics service companies such as the Xiangzhixiang Life Service Company and the Hummingbird Supply Chain Management Company provided 10,000 positions, covering two kinds of positions: specializing in knights and crowdsourcing knights.

The medical and health special session is hosted by the employment online. It organizes 10,000 households such as stone medicine group, Tongren Medical Group, and Hebei Traditional Chinese Medicine Bone Disease Hospital to provide 120,000 positions, covering clinical examination, medical research and development, and equipment maintenance.

Employers and job seekers can use China Public Recruitment Network (http://job.mohrss.gov.cn), China National Talent Network (https://www.newjobs.com.cn), HTTPS: // www.jobonline.cn) Special Action Page Page directly entered the industry recruitment special session, or click the participating agency LOGO to the branch venue to participate in the main venue page.

Editor in this issue: Zhang Zixuan

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