Hongqirafu Border Police Station "Life Forbidden Area" sings the song of the border

Author:Xinjiang Legal Daily Time:2022.07.26

The unique scenery of Hongqirafu Village and heavy ice peaks under the white snow in July were like ink painting, like a fairyland.

Red Qilafu Village is located in the Pamir Plateau in Tashculgan Tashik Autonomous County, Kashgar area. The average altitude is 4300 meters, and the average annual temperature is below 0 ° C. Xinjiang Entry -Exit Border Inspection Terminal Kashgar Border Management Detachment Taxian Border Management Brigade Red Qilafufu Border Police Station was stationed here for a long time, using youth and blood to interpret the sincerity and enthusiasm of the party and the people, and explore a snowy plateau "Fengqiao" Road.

"Three Special" genes

"Red Qiraf" is a Tagik language, which means "the insurmountable red wall", which has affected the generation of the generations of the movie "Guests on the Iceberg".

"Datang Western Regions" described Hong Qilufu: "The cold wind is strong, snowy spring and summer, day and night fluttering wind." In the extremely harsh natural environment, the older generation of red Qilafi wrote in a very harsh natural environment. The "three specials" spirit of "especially hard work, fighting, and special dedication".

The Red Qilafu Border Police Station has dozens of Tongwai Shankou under the jurisdiction, which is one of the Greeka Village, 130 kilometers away from the police station. The police rode for at least 7 days, and they had to turn over several Dazaka at an altitude of 4,300 meters and traveled through several piercing glaciers.

"What are the abnormal situations on the border line? Whether it is windy or snowy, herders will report it immediately." The current coach Tan Chuanchuan, who has many years of border defense work experience, knows the significance of border herders to the security of the national border defense.

The yellow notebook, the broken saddle, hand -shaking bell, and brocade flags, medals, plaques, etc. are displayed in the honorary room, as if they can bring people back to that era and relive the spirit of the "three specials" spirit.

Today's Red Qirafu Police Station conforms to the development of the times. The police increased from 10 to more than 30, with an average age of less than 28 years old. The new "three specials" spirit of dedication "will continue to move along the footprints of the predecessors.

Wind and snow care people to protect Min'an

The Erak Su Border Police Station is the first level on the police station in the only passage to the Kashmir area. It echoes the Greek Kamu Village Police Room at the end of Snow Mountain. The depth is 130. The importance of the geographical location is self -evident, and the police and the border guards are stationed 24 hours a day. Zang Shuai (born in 1996) and Zhang Zhihao, deputy police officer of the Polish Village Police Room (born in 1998), were voluntarily who volunteered to celebrate the police officers.

The snow and ice covered, floods, and rolling stones fell. Facing different weather in the same season, the police have long been accustomed to it.

Chen Jingquan, deputy director of Hongqirafu Border Police Station, who has adhered to 8 years, said: "Here, you can encounter any weather."

On July 3, 2021, on the Gargakda Basin at an altitude of 5,300 meters, the continuous snowfall caused some mountain roads to be buried. Zang Shuai contacted the snowshat car in time. It took 8 hours to clean the road area of ​​snow to ensure the safety of the people's travel.

On the same day, Zhang Zhihao visited Yisa Cabrak pastoral herdsmen and encountered mountains. He quickly contacted nearby herders to close the road section.

"Don't look at their age, when the masses are in trouble, they always rush to go." Fan Chuanchuan said.

The police in the police station in the civil archives, recorded the police every time the police helped the masses. Since 2019, the stationed policemen on both sides of Dazya have accumulated 346 practical things for the masses, 128 people in dangerous people and 34 trapped vehicles, and have received more than 10 faces.

At the beginning of the school season, the police have another important task -protection. The police stationed here for more than ten years, storms.

At the end of February 2019, the section of the Selakin area in the county's village to the county was covered by snow, with a thickness of about 3 meters. The police coordinated the snowshat car and turned over two 5,300 meters of Bingda Basin to overcome the low temperature of minus 30 ° C for 5 consecutive days. Finally, it opened more than 20 kilometers covered by snow to go to school. Ping An was escorted to a county boarding school at 200 kilometers.

"Children go to Gagakda, at an altitude of 5,300 meters to school. There is only one cliff that barely allows a bulldozer to pass. When encountering windy days, no matter how good the car will have a 'plateau reaction', the faults frequently will frequently fail Fay, let alone people! "Chen Jingquan said.

Over the years, no matter whether the weather is good or bad, the police stationed here have not relaxed for a moment, creating a good result of no case (things) in this area for 22 consecutive years.

Police and people stay at home

In the village and pasture, as long as the police officers of the police station are seen, the village (pastoral) people will hand over a bowl of hot milk tea and a crispy crispy cake. Put your heart to the masses, wherever you go. "

Dili Xiati is a native of Xinjiang. When he came to the police station in 2018, he was stationed in the police room of Hongqirafu Village.

At the beginning of 2020, the epidemic of new crown pneumonia occurred, and children could only go online at home. Among them, dozens of herdsmen live in far herdles, and the network signals are poor. Nearly 20 children cannot achieve online learning, which can break the parents.

To this end, Dili Xiati and his comrades -in -arms Wang Yi decided to use the village police room as a classroom and use online network resources to take turns to counsel for children. For students who can't come, they recorded the course and sent lessons during the visit to ensure that the children would not leave a lesson. During that time, Dili Xia institute the lecturer of the "temporary classroom" in the pastoral area, and was affectionately called the "police teacher" by the children.

Zhou Feng is a police officer who selected the State Immigration Administration to go to the front -line frontline. He worked for more than a year at the Red Qilafufu Border Police Station. He became one of the most popular people in Hongqirafu Village with superb acupuncture technology.

During her duty, Zhou Feng found that most of the border guards were scarred. It turned out that working in high -cold areas of the plateau year, most of the border guards suffered from severe lumbar diseases. When they were so painful, they adopted the "soil method" -the burning paint parts with hot wooden sticks.

Zhou Feng decided to adopt acupuncture therapy for border guards.

"At that time, they were scared when they saw the silver needle, and they were willing to accept this treatment for a long time." Zhou Feng introduced.

The onlookers recording the videos of Zhou Feng acupuncture with their mobile phones and sent them to the village WeChat group. Since then, someone has come to the police station every day to come to Zhou Feng for treatment.

For more than a year, there were more than 400 people diagnosed by Zhou Feng, of which more than 150 people had the migraine of the masses effectively relieved, and the lumbar spondylosis of 98 people gradually improved. In addition, he also participated in the plateau rescue 31 times, went to border ranch and border companies to conduct 62 free consultations, and presented medicines worth more than 30,000 yuan.

"The medical conditions here are poor. Every time Zhou Feng comes to the house with a medicine box, it has become our family doctor." The 15 -year -old borders Ai Titai, who was in the edge of the edge, said.

On July 12, the snowflakes that floated overnight covered the entire red Qilafu Village.

Early in the morning, 43 -year -old Ai Shiwa took the younger son to patrol the border to patrol.

"He is a boy, he should go out to meet the world." He said when he asked him why he brought his son.

Patrol at the mountain mouth with an average altitude of more than 4,300 meters. The vehicles cannot pass. They can only rely on horses and yaks. Put the pot of milk tea is everyone's lunch.

"The police are always here to guard the land where our ancestors live, and the police and the people must not throw an inch." Ai Titani said.

In the past 15 years, Ai Shiwa Timi and the cropped border police patrolled here. He had encountered danger and had parting, because they believed that under their feet were the border, behind them was the light, and the border was protecting the protection. With your own home! (Pomegranate/Xinjiang Legal Daily reporter Zhou Zhou Correspondent Li Zhanpeng Wang Jiufeng)

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