"Health Beijing Week" was officially launched, participating in knowledge answers, and improving health literacy

Author:Beijing Science and Technology Time:2022.07.26

Recently, the high -temperature "barbecue mode" has been opened in many places across the country. Everyone bluntly stated that "everyone is hot" "rely on air conditioning to renew its life" ... High temperature weather is likely to cause heat stroke, and even in severe cases even induces fatal heat irritation. How can they Do a good job in heatstroke and cooling and become the top health of the hot summer.

On July 25, the "Health Beijing Week" series of theme publicity activities were officially opened. The Municipal Citizen Science Quality Competition has specially launched a special response activity of "Healthy Guarding You and Our Actions to Change the Future".

According to the "Chinese Resident Dietary Guide (2022)", the amount of alcohol that normal adults drink every day should not exceed how much grams? Excessive salt intake can cause a variety of diseases. How many grams of salt intake of adults per day? What does it mean to advocate "three minus and three health" in the health lifestyle?

In addition to the common sense of heatstroke and cooling, there is also a scientific and practical health lifestyle guide here! Welcome to scan the code or follow the WeChat public account of the Beijing Science and Technology Association to participate in the competition, check the missing shortage. Health knowledge is not too much. Have you reached the standard?

"Healthy Guardian, Our Action and Future" special response activity is hosted by the implementation of the Beijing National Science Quality Outline and hosted by the Beijing Science and Technology Association and the Beijing Science and Technology News Agency. Essence

In order to further implement the "Beijing National Scientific Quality Action Planning Outline (2021-2035)" in order to further implement the "Beijing Science and Quality Quality Action Planning Outline (2021-2035)", it will play the role of the "capital science popularization" brand activity and help the public scientific quality. Carry out special response activities of different themes.

Produced: Popular Science Central Kitchen

Producer: Beijing Science and Technology News | Beike Media

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