The "small" community becomes a "big" stage for graduates of college graduates

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.26

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 26th.

Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Lei and Si Sicong

At the third quarter of the Ministry of Civil Affairs held on July 26th, Chen Yueliang, director of the grassroots regime construction and community governance department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, introduced that as of now, a total of 82,000 positions in urban community full -time staff have been released across the country, all of which Open to college graduates, 25,000 of them recruit college graduates. The "small" community is becoming a "big" stage for college graduates to start a business.

Strengthen policy guidance, broaden post supply

Zhao Zhongyu, who graduated from Beijing Urban Academy, passed the written test, interview, medical examination and other sectors to become a community worker in the Xiangliang Cloud Community of the Airport Street in Shunyi District, Beijing. "Although the community work is hard, I am very proud of serving the community residents and contributing my strength." Zhao Zhongyu said that he still uses the professional knowledge that he is studying during his university and is responsible for the operation of the community WeChat public account. You can use information technology to make community service management more intelligent and convenient, and contribute to the community.

Zhao Zhongyu is a microcosm of college graduates who choose to bloom in the grass -roots communities.

In June 2022, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, issued the "Notice on Doing the Employment of General College Graduates in 2022", requiring to compare each 10,000 cities and towns at the end of the "14th Five -Year Plan" period The permanent population has the development goals of 18 community workers and the annual planning goals of the community workers in the region, and coordinate the needs of community full -time staff positions. In principle, all the new recruitment positions of all urban community staff in 2022 will be opened to college graduates in 2022 , Encourage a large number of jobs to recruit college graduates.

Relevant policies have been introduced in various places to broaden the supply of posts, so that the grass -roots lines have become the youth starting line for more college graduates.

Shanghai announced the positions of more than 1,000 community staff to recruit fresh graduates; Sichuan Innovation Establishing Epidemic Community to investigate and prevent social workers, recruit graduates of unobstructed universities to serve at the grassroots level; Recruitment for college graduates in 2022.

Introduce incentive measures to create a good environment for reserving people

According to statistics, 35%of young people under the age of 35 among urban community workers, they have become the youthful power of community governance. Strengthen the work of urban and rural communities, and improve the level of modernization of community governance. We must not only choose young talents, but also take good care of young talents, including college graduates, but also to protect and retain young talents.

In the notice issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, including the Ministry of Civil Affairs, it clearly proposes "creating a good environment for retention and leaving people, and guiding college graduates to take root in the grassroots level." All localities have carefully studied the needs of college graduates, and made them in a targeted measure to allow them to have dry, energetic, and hopeful in the posts of urban and rural communities.

In some places, the professional system of community workers continuously improves the attractiveness of the post. The Henan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs issued a document to regulate professional security mechanisms such as employment, education and training, daily management, incentive guarantee, salary and benefits of urban community workers; Tianjin issued community workers 'management measures to clarify the start standards for community workers' salary. The civil servant of the employment shall be determined by the salary level, and it will be adjusted with the salary of civil servants.

In some places, take out the real gold and silver to make the difficult colleges and universities who have to serve the grassroots at the grassroots level. Hubei has launched a package of policy measures to give college graduates who employment at the grass -roots units below the county, and give policies such as tuition compensation and national student loan compensation and high -definition wages in accordance with regulations. For three consecutive years or above in relevant grass -roots units, tuition compensation can be obtained.

Helping college graduates take root in urban and rural communities, and professional honor training is also a key factor.

"We will vigorously choose a tree to promote the trees and entrepreneurship of the urban and rural communities and entrepreneurship through brands such as the" most beautiful urban and rural community workers "and other brands. Li Jian, a first -level inspector of the Department of Construction and Community Governance.

Strengthen training and guidance to improve the quality of urban and rural community services

The urban and rural communities are the "last miles" of the party and the government to serve the masses. It is also an important platform for the majority of young people to penetrate into the grassroots level and get close to the masses.

The notice issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other four departments to strengthen the training of employment college graduates in urban and rural communities, enhance their work skills to serve the masses, enhance their professional technical capabilities, and do a good job in the first -tier training and growth talents of the urban and rural communities. Prepare.

The Social Organizations jointly held by the Social Organization Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau helped college graduates in the employment of employment work in urban and rural communities. The meeting proposed that social organizations provided by various social organizations at all levels, especially to provide services for urban and rural communities, should act immediately, strengthen the training and guidance of college graduates, and effectively improve the quality of urban and rural communities.

Various forms of training and training activities are also carried out according to the actual situation.

In Hebei, under the fields of "Internet+" health, pension, childcare, and housekeeping, college graduates engaged in urban and rural community services will receive employment skills training and entrepreneurial training.A number of medical and nursing training bases will also be established locally, which will be coordinated by ordinary universities, vocational colleges, scientific research institutions, and related social organizations and medical care institutions.Urban and rural communities are the fertile soils of young people such as college graduates.Driven by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and various places, the organizational guarantee and long -term mechanism of college graduates to work in urban and rural communities will continue to improve, which will help more youthful flowers bloom gorgeous at the grassroots level.

[Editor in charge: Shi Ge]

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