Tahe County has passed "the hometown of Chinese wild red peats" and "Chinese wild red beans, and the hometown of Orange Orange"

Author:China Food News Agency Rong Me Time:2022.07.26

After completing the review of the election materials in the early stage, from July 19th to 22nd, the China Forestry Ecological Development Promotion Association organized 7 ecological certification experts to go to Tahe County, Daxing'anling District, Heilongjiang Province to carry out an advantageous ecological regional certification inspection. After four days of field visits and investigations, I read the general accounts, materials, materials, and discussions. The relevant conditions of the China Forestry Ecological Development Promotion Association-China's Administrative Measures for the Advanced Ecological Regional Certification of China "passed the review.

The tower is located in the northern frontiers of the motherland. The upper right bank of the Heilongjiang River, the northern foot of the Mountains in Yiller, has a variety of ecosystem types such as forests, meadows, swamps, and grass ponds. Wild animal and plant resources are very rich. There are 14 groups of tree species such as deciduous pine, camphor pine, and white birch trees all over the mountains. They are typical representatives of China's cold temperature belt coniferous forest area. It is an important forest production base in China.

In recent years, the Tahe County Party Committee and County Government attaches great importance to the construction of ecological civilization, firmly establishes the development concept of "green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains", and fully implement the strategy of "ecological counties and green rise". It has been on the green development path of production development, wealthy life, good ecology, and social progress. In 2021, Tahe County was named the National Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zone by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

Climbing the river, the expert group inspects the application area

Shi Feng, director of the Strategic Consultation Committee of the China Forestry Ecological Development Promotion Association, Shi Feng, a professor -level high -level high -profile work, Director of the State Forestry Bureau Industrial Development Planning Institute and senior engineer, Jiang Jianfu, Jiang Yan, deputy secretary -general of the China Forestry Ecological Development Promotion Association, China Forestry Group Group Xie Ronglu, Secretary of the Party Committee, Economic Forestry Expert, Professor of Economic Forestry, and Professor, Peng Xiuying, Deputy Director of the Ecological Department of the State Forestry Bureau, Wang Ji'an, Director of the Office of the Guolin Forest Industry Consulting Service Center, Liu The expert group formed by Lei, after four days of field visit to investigate, read the application information, check the relevant accounts, etc., and unanimously agreed Town of".

▲ Wild red peony

▲ Wild Red Bean Yue Orange

Since August 2013, the China Forestry Ecological Development Promotion Association has carried out the "China Superior Ecological Area" certification nationwide in accordance with the business scope approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Protecting the ecological resources of the origin of the origin, making regional ecological brands with natural advantages more powerful.

China's advantageous ecological area refers to the natural ecological environment that has no self -owned, people who have the unique style of the original ecology, can represent the regional geographical indication, specific high -quality products or industries sustainable survival, and form an industry to form an industry The characteristic ecological area of ​​the cluster. China's superior ecological areas are in three levels, the first -level titles are "capitals" and "famous cities"; second -level titles are "hometown" and "famous towns"; third -level titles are "demonstration zones", "bases" and so on.

The election and review of China's superior ecological areas are carried out all year round. The election unit should have an independent legal person qualification, which can be the people's government where the advantageous ecological region is located, or the industry organization where it is located. The application unit submits an application, and the certification committee of the China Forestry Ecological Development Promotion Association receives the election materials and conducts a preliminary review. The expert committee of the certification agency is formed by the well -known ecologist, the academician of experts, and the leadership of the industry in charge of the industry, and formed an expert decision -making jury to make a review of the excellent ecological area and make a final decision. After the approved by the expert decision -making jury, it signed and confirmed that the Chinese Forestry Ecological Development Promotion Association issued a document as a certificate of identity in the superior ecological area. Honor title is valid for three years. (Reporter Gao Wei)

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