Guangdong Finance multiple measures help to stabilize food safety "cockpit stones"

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.27

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Tang Yan

"Cangxian is real and the world is safe." Grain security is related to the country's and people's livelihood, which is an important foundation for national security. In recent years, in accordance with the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the financial departments at all levels at all levels of Guangdong have actively played the role of fiscal functions around the political responsibility of carrying stable food security, actively actively actively promoted, and provided strong support for the "cockpit stone" of the "cockpit stones" to build food security. Essence

The Guangdong Finance Department has increased the strength of grain -related fiscal expenditures, mobilizing farmers' enthusiasm for planting grain, and fully ensuring that important agricultural products such as food are stable production and protection. In order to improve the comprehensive production capacity of agricultural agricultural, in 2022, Guangdong Province's financial arrangement was 8.316 billion yuan, focusing on the implementation of the revitalization actions of the seed industry, the construction of high -standard farmland construction, re -cultivation of farmland cultivation, farmland water conservancy construction, shortcomings of agricultural machinery equipment, agricultural products agricultural products, agricultural products Cold chain logistics and others have increased support.

In order to explore and improve the rational rational income guarantee mechanism, timely distribution of the central government's actual grain farmers to subsidize 734 million yuan at one time and 2.515 billion yuan in central arable land protection subsidies, helping farmers breeding farmers to respond to the pressure of rising agricultural prices.

In order to support major agricultural disasters, in 2022, the provincial financial overall planned funds 600 million yuan to support flood prevention and drought -resistant emergency materials reserve, agricultural meteorological disaster prevention, animal and plant epidemic prevention and control, and foreign invasion of species to prevent and control the supply of important agricultural products.

Guangdong Finance actively strives to raise funds for multiple channels such as new bonds of local governments and leverage financial and social capital, strongly supports food production, and promotes the formation of a diversified landscape of fiscal priority guarantee, financial focus tilt, and active social participation. In 2022, Guangdong Province's financial arrangements were arranged for 14.21 billion yuan for special bonds for agricultural and forestry and water conservancy construction, promoted the quality and quality of food production, and actively strived for more high -standard farmland construction, agricultural product stable production protection, deserted cultivated land recurring, and modern agricultural facilities construction projects Including special bonds.

Guangdong played the role of agricultural supply -side structural reform funds, the role of government financing guarantee agricultural support for agricultural branches, promoted the high -quality development of agricultural insurance, and actively explored the methods of discounting, policy agricultural insurance, credit insurance, risk compensation funds pool and other methods. Dynamic social capital and support grain production.

Guangdong also explores the construction of comprehensive rectification of rural water systems, high -standard farmland construction, and re -cultivation of farmland cultivation through strengthening of funding overall planning and capital injection of state -owned enterprises.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Editor -in -law | Li Xu

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