US media: celebrities and stylistic stars in the United States are stared at by "sexual extortion", and the amount involved is millions of dollars

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.27

[Global Times Special Journalist in the United States] The US "Business Insider" website reported on the 26th that more and more wealthy American merchants, sports stars and Hollywood stars have been ransomed by young American businessmen, sports stars and Hollywood stars in recent years. Millions of dollars.

It is reported that victims often come from Los Angeles and New York, mostly men, while "fishing" comes from all over the world. Faced with the threat to destroy their reputation and career, celebrities of wealthy businessmen are often scared, so they are easily put on and unwilling to call the police. Los Angeles lawyer Holy said that most people will try to settle outside the court and talk about the seven -digit "compensation" required by the extorters to talk about five digits. Although there are occasional customers who want to fight back, because they are worried that even if they prove that they are innocent, they may still cause irreparable damage to their reputation, they will eventually choose to give up.

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Los Angeles lawyer Blair Birke said that the number of such cases began to appear frequently 20 years ago, and it has increased in explosive in the past five or six years. According to a lawyer in Manhattan, New York, he has had more than 200 related cases in the past ten years. The victims came from various industries, but most of them have a common characteristic -often use social media.

The article wrote that many victims did not act properly. In a case, the CEO of a company in New York met a woman who liked her favorite on the Internet. He spent about $ 40,000 to give him a gift. Unexpectedly, the woman said that she was not yet an adult and threatened to socialize in social media. Public his name. And he didn't even know the real name of the woman.

Lawyer Holy also revealed a "law". Most of the victims of Los Angeles were first -line entertainment sports stars, while victims in Manhattan, New York were mostly high -level companies with low -key enterprises. name = "_ GOBACK">

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