Sri Lanka Ambassador to China: The new president plan to visit China and discuss cooperation with China in multiple fields

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.27

According to Reuters on the 25th, the Sri Lanka Ambassador to China Palita Kokhina said in an interview with Reuters on Monday that China is the key to Sri Lanka's economic recovery. He revealed that Sri Lanka's new President Vikramaxa planned to visit China to discuss cooperation with China in many fields.

Sri Lanka Ambassador to China Palita Kokhina. Picture source: Reuters

Currently, Sri Lanka is seeking over economic crisis. Reuters said in an interview that Sri Lanka hopes that Chinese companies can purchase more black tea, sapphire, spices and clothing products in the country. He also said that China can also help the Sri Lanka economy by further invest in large port projects located in Colombo and Handon Tota. In addition, Sri Lanka hopes to have more Chinese tourists. In 2018, the number of tourists to Sri Lanka was 265,000.

In the interview, Costa revealed that Sri Lanka's newly appointed President Vikramaxa planned to visit China and discussed with China on cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, tourism. He pointed out that it is expected that the new government's policy to China will not change fundamentally.

Sri Lanka Capital Colombo, urban projects invested by China Enterprise. Source: Visual China

Costa said that Sri Lanka's consultations with China on economic assistance are still ongoing, but the date of the next meeting has not been determined. In addition to assistance, Sri Lanka also hopes that China can help the country purchase fuel, fertilizer and other urgent materials. It is reported that China promised to provide 500 million yuan in humanitarian assistance to Sri Lanka in April and May this year.

Vikramazinha. Source: Visual China

On the 20th local time, the Sri Lanka Parliament announced that during the Presidential Presidential election voting on the day, the temporary President Vicramaxinha obtained half of the votes and was elected as the new President of Sri Lanka. At a regular press conference of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs held on July 21, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that when talking about the Sino -Sriott relationship, China and Sri Lanka are traditional friendly neighbors. The strategic partnership of mutual assistance and generation friendship has carried out comprehensive and multi -field mutual mutual mutual mutual cooperation. China will always adhere to the friendly policy of Sri Lanka, and is willing to provide support and help that the Sri Lankan government and the people's stability and the efforts of recovering the economy, and promote the continuous movement of the relationship between the two countries.

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