Welcome to the provincial transportation

Author:Rizhao News Network Time:2022.07.27

On July 25, the 30 -day celebration of the 30 -day celebration of the 20th National Games of Shandong Province and the 12th National Fitness Games of the Rizhao Economic Development Zone were held at the Rizhao Kuishan Sports Center. Participants knocked on a warm and cheerful waist drum to celebrate the arrival of the opening ceremony of the Provincial Games.

"Drink a sweet water and sing a beautiful hometown of the hometown" "The fifty -sixth brothers and sisters are a family, and 56 languages ​​are remitted into a sentence" accompanied by an exciting music, the backbone drum team members are strong and agile. Bound with the flipped Red Silk and the Rizhao Stadium. Drum sound, spreading every corner of Rizhao Kui Mountain Sports Center.

"The opening ceremony of the Provincial Games is about to begin. We hope to welcome the arrival of sports athletes in various places through this way, and I wish the opening ceremony of the Provincial Games to be held smoothly." Yuan Xunjun, a team of Yihai Community team, said.

Xing Tao, president of the Rizhao City Plaza Dance Association, said that the National Fitness Games is a stage for the masses to show its style. We will take this activity as an opportunity to guide more people to consciously participate in physical exercise. The provincial transportation has a strong atmosphere of "everyone is the host and I contribute to the provincial operation".

With the holding of various events of the 25th Games of Shandong Province, the enthusiasm for the masses to participate in fitness exercises has become increasingly rising. In the next step, the Rizhao Economic Development Zone will attract more people to participate in physical exercise with diversified sports events, creating a strong provincial atmosphere and a new upsurge in national fitness. (Report from Fang Zichen, a reporter from Rizhao Newspaper)

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